دانلود The Complete Genealogy Reporter v2011.110530 - نرم افزار ساخت شجره نامه های خانوادگی

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  • دسته: نرم افزار » خانگی » شجره نامه

یکی از کارهای جالب برای هر خانواده ای ساخت درخت خانوادگی و شجره نامه است، درختی که در آن ارتباط بین اجزای مختلف یک فامیل، مشخص کردن ابا و اجداد و ... به راحتی امکان پذیر است. اگر شما هم از علاقمندان به گذشته ی فامیل خود هستید و مایلید اطلاعات مربوط به گذشتگان تان را به صورت رسمی نگه داشته و در اختیار آیندگان قرار دهید، می توانید از نرم افزار The Complete Genealogy Reporter استفاده کنید.به کمک این نرم افزار می توانید به تهیه ی گزارشات، کتاب ها و فولدرهای وب با متن و نت و مدیا و نمودارهای درخت خانوادگی بپردازید. گزارشات تهیه شده توسط این نرم افزار شامل عمه ها، عموها، خاله و دایی به همراه فرزندان آن ها و ارتباطات غیر مستقیم که به واسطه ی ازدواج فراهم شده اند، برای هر فایل GEDCOM مجزای شما می باشد. تنها در چهار مرحله پردازش صورت می گیرد، خواندن فایل GEDCOM، ساخت گزارشات PDF، چاپ و آماده کردن فایل متنی. گزارشات تهیه شده اغلب شامل، ارتباطات غیر مستقیم( ارتباطات نلاشی از ازدواج)، تصویر و متن می باشد. به علاوه در کنار این گزارشات می توان نمودارهای درخت هر خانواده را نیز قرار داد همچنین می توانید برای هر ارتباط توضیحات کامل و جامعی داشته باشید.
قابلیت های کلیدی نرم افزار The Complete Genealogy Reporter:
- ارائه ی گزارشات کامل و مشخص کردن ارتباط بین اعضای خانواده
- نوشتن توضیحات مربوط به هر رابـ ـطه
- ثبت سال تولد، سال شروع به کار، اتمام تحصیل و ... برای هر فرد
- نمایش اسامی ناشناس به فرم استاندارد آقا یا خانم
- ساخت درخت فامیلی
- اختصاص تصویر
- افزودن متن
- چاپ نتیجه
- تبدیل به فرمت PDF
- تبدیل به فرمت متنی
- و ...
Create comprehensive narrative GEDCOM reports, books, and web folders (in English or German) with fully cross-referenced texts, notes, media, and family tree diagrams. The Complete Genealogy Reporter can incorporate all cousins, aunts, uncles, and indirect relationships via marriage, for any individual in your GEDCOM file.
The user interface is a simple four-step wizard-style process which reads a GEDCOM file and generates a report to a PDF file, a printer, or a text file (proof-reading draft). Report options offer the inclusion of indirect relations through marriage, image media, and notes.

In addition, the application can produce four-generation family tree diagrams as part of the report. Two-sided printed book options are available to alternate the left and right margin indentations and page headings.

The output is formatted as free-flowing text which is easily comprehended by readers with no computer or genealogical knowledge. The narrative includes relationship descriptions (e.g., first cousin, once removed, by marriage), and comprehensive date processing and age calculations.

Here are some key features of "The Complete Genealogy Reporter":
- Full details of all aunts, uncles, and cousins, plus their descendants may be included.
- Indirect branches may be included in the report. (Indirect branches are the relations of people who married into the subject's family.)
- The relationship to the subject of each reported individual is fully described. (e.g., "Second cousin by marriage, once removed").
- Children birthdates and occupation/residence events may be sorted by year (irrespective of the order recorded in the GEDCOM file).
- Unknown names may be rationalized into a standard form. (When this option is selected, unknown first names are reported as Mr. or Ms., and unknown last names are reported as "Unknown".)
- The upper/lower cases of names may be reported in a standard form of "Jane McKie", irrespective of the cases of the names in the GEDCOM file.
- Ages of individuals at the times of events may be included.
- Dates (however expressed in the GEDCOM file) are processed and reported in a standard format of either "1 May 1888" or "May 1, 1888"
Tree Charts:
- Tree charts may be included in the report. These are shown as four-generation segments which are fully cross-referenced between themselves and with the narrative sections.
- Picture media may be included as a section of the report. These are shown six per page and are fully cross-referenced to and from the narrative sections.
- Notes may be reported within the narrative or within a separate section which is fully cross-referenced to and from the narrative sections.
- Notes may be attached to sources, or have sources attached.
Reference Sources:
- Sources may be reported within the narrative or within a separate section which is fully cross-referenced to and from the narrative sections.
- Sources may be attached to notes, or have notes attached.
- Page, Quality, and Repository data is reported (if present).
- Cross-Referencing, Indexing and Formatting
- All content is fully cross-referenced.
- An Index of Places may be included in the report. An Index of Dates may be included in the report. A full alphabetical index of names may be included in the report. Book formatting options are available, for single-sided or two-sided printing, with adjustable margin offsets.
Output Options:
- To a printer (fully formatted)
- To an Adobe Acrobat compatible PDF file (fully formatted)
- To a text file (unformatted, no media)
- The unformatted text file is intended to provide a method of proof reading the contents of your GEDCOM file in a concise and easy-to-read form in order to swiftly review the content and to isolate omissions, errors, and inconsistencies. The content (except media) is identical to the fully formatted report.
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گزارش انتشار نسخه جدید
شرکت سازنده: Nigel Bufton
قیمت: 34.95 دلار آمریکا (صرفاً جهت اطلاع)
حجم فایل: 4.95 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار: 13:00 - 90/6/15
منبع: پی سی دانلود

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