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▓▓Proprietary english▓▓
به معنای اختصاصی انگلیسی؛ مختص به زبان انگلیسی ست و صرفاً جهت تمرین آموزشگاه و درخواست متن اصیل زبان ایجاد شده!
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    Using languages to fight Alzheimer's
    Those who want to stay mentally fit should learn languages. Language skills can protect against dementia. Numerous scientific studies have proven this. The age of the learner doesn't play a role at all. What's important is that the brain is regularly exercised. Learning vocabulary activates different areas of the brain. These areas control important cognitive processes. Therefore, people who are multilingual are more attentive. They can also concentrate better. However, multilingualism has additional advantages. Multilingual people can make better decisions. That is, they come to a decision faster. This is because their brain has learned to choose. It always knows at least two terms for one thing. Each of these terms is a feasible option. Therefore, multilingual people are constantly making decisions. Their brains have practice in choosing between many things. And this training doesn't just benefit the speech centre of the brain. Many areas of the brain profit from multilingualism. Language skills also mean better cognitive control. Of course, language skills will not prevent dementia. However, in multilingual people the disease progresses slower. And their brains seem better able to counterbalance the effects. In language learners symptoms of dementia appear in a weaker form. Confusion and forgetfulness are less serious. Therefore, old and young profit equally from language acquisition. And: With each language it gets easier to learn a new one. So, we should all be reaching for the dictionary instead of medicine!


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    Do we all speak African?
    Not all of us have been to Africa. It's possible, however, that every language has already been there! Many scientists believe this, anyway. In their opinion, the origin of all languages lies in Africa. From there they have spread to the rest of the world. Altogether there are over 6,000 different languages. However, they all are said to have common African roots. Researchers have compared the phonemes of different languages. Phonemes are the smallest differentiating unit of a word. If a phoneme is changed, the whole meaning of a word changes. An example from the English language can illustrate this. In English, dip and tip describe two different things. So in English, /d/ and /t/ are two different phonemes. This phonetic variety is greatest in African languages. This decreases dramatically, however, the farther away you get from Africa. And this is exactly where the researchers see the proof for their theory. Populations that expand become more uniform. At their outer edges, the genetic variety decreases. This is due to the fact that the number of "settlers" also decreases. The fewer amount of genes that migrate, the more uniform a population becomes. The possible combinations of the genes decreases. As a result, members of a migrated population become similar to each other. Scientists call this the founder effect. As people left Africa, they took their language with them. But fewer settlers also brought fewer phonemes with them. This is how individual languages became more uniform over time. It appears to be proven that Homo sapiens originated from Africa. We are waiting to see, if it's also true for their language…


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    We can communicate with languages. We tell others what we're thinking or feeling. Writing has this function as well. Most languages have a written form, or writing. Writing consists of characters. These characters can be diverse. Most writing is made up of letters. These letters make up alphabets. An alphabet is an organized set of graphic symbols. These characters are joined to form words according to certain rules. Each character has a fixed pronunciation. The term "alphabet" comes from the Greek language. There, the first two letters were called "alpha" and "beta". There have been many different alphabets throughout history. People were using characters more than 3,000 years ago. Earlier, characters were magical symbols. Only a few people knew what they meant. Later, the characters lost their symbolic nature. Today, letters have no meaning. They only have a meaning when they are combined with other letters. Characters such as that of the Chinese function differently. They resemble pictures and often depict what they mean. When we write, we are encoding our thoughts. We use characters to record our knowledge. Our brain has learned how to decode the alphabet. Characters become words, words become ideas. In this way, a text can survive for thousands of years. And still be understood…


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    Mother Language Day
    Do you love your native language? Then you should celebrate it in the future! And always on February 21! That is International Mother Language Day. It has been celebrated every year since 2000. UNESCO established the day. UNESCO is a United Nations (UN) organization. They are concerned with topics in science, education, and culture. UNESCO strives to protect the cultural heritage of humanity. Languages are a cultural heritage too. Therefore, they must be protected, cultivated, and promoted. Linguistic diversity is commemorated on February 21. It is estimated that there are 6,000 to 7,000 languages worldwide. Half of those, however, are threatened by extinction. Every two weeks, a language is lost forever. Yet each language is an enormous wealth of knowledge. The knowledge of a nation's people is gathered in languages. The history of a nation is reflected in its language. Experiences and traditions are also passed on through language. For this reason, the native language is an element of every national identity. When a language dies out, more than just words are lost. And all of this is meant to be commemorated on February 21. People should understand what meaning languages have. And they should reflect upon what they can do to protect languages. So show your language that it's important to you! Perhaps you could bake it a cake? And put nice fondant writing on it. In your "mother language", of course!


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    Languages and dialects
    There are 6,000 to 7,000 different languages worldwide. The number of dialects is of course much higher. But what is the difference between language and dialect? Dialects always have a clearly localized tone. They belong to the regional language varieties. This means dialects are a language form with the narrowest reach. As a general rule, dialects are only spoken, not written. They form their own linguistic system. And they follow their own rules. Theoretically, every language can have several dialects. All dialects fall under the standard language of a country. The standard language is understood by all the people of a country. With it, even speakers of different dialects can communicate with each other. Almost all dialects are becoming less important. You hardly hear dialects being spoken in cities anymore. The standard language is usually spoken at work as well. Therefore, dialect speakers are often said to be simple and uneducated. And yet they can be found at all social levels. So dialect speakers are no less intelligent than others. Quite the opposite! Those who speak in dialect have many advantages. In a language course, for example. Dialect speakers know that there are different linguistic forms. And they have learned to switch quickly between linguistic styles. Therefore, dialect speakers possess a higher competence for variation. They can sense which linguistic style fits with a certain situation. This has even been scientifically proven. So: Have courage in using dialect – it's worth it!


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    Globalization doesn't stop at languages. This is evident in the increase in "internationalisms". Internationalisms are words that exist in multiple languages. The words can thereby have meanings that are the same or similar. The pronunciation is often the same. The spelling of the words is usually very similar as well. The spreading of internationalisms is interesting. They do not pay any attention to boundaries. Nor to geographic boundaries. And especially not to linguistic boundaries. There are words that are understood on every continent. The word hotel is a good example of this. It exists almost everywhere in the world. Many internationalisms come from science. Technical terms also spread quickly and worldwide. Old internationalisms are derived from a common root. They have evolved from the same word. However, most internationalisms are usually borrowed. That is to say, words are simply incorporated into other languages. Cultural circles play an important role in the adoption. Every civilization has its own traditions. That is why not all new concepts catch on everywhere. Cultural norms decide which ideas will be adopted. Some things are only found in certain parts of the world. Other things spread very quickly around the world. But only when they spread do their names also spread. That's exactly what makes internationalisms so exciting! When we discover languages, we always discover cultures too.


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    Thinking and language
    Our thinking depends on our language. When thinking, we are "speaking" with ourselves. Therefore our language influences our view of things. But can we all think the same despite different languages? Or do we think differently because we speak differently? Every people has its own vocabulary. In some languages certain words are missing. There are people who do not distinguish between green and blue. They use the same word for both colours. And they have a harder time identifying the colours! They cannot identify different hues and secondary colours. They have problems describing the colours. Other languages have only a few words for numbers. These language speakers can't count so well. There are also languages that don't recognize left and right. Here the people speak of north and south, east and west. They have a very good geographic orientation. But they don't understand the terms right and left. Of course, not only our language influences our thinking. Our environment and everyday life also shape our thoughts. So what role does language play? Does it set limits on our thoughts? Or do we only have words for what we think? What is cause, what is effect? All of these questions remain unanswered. They are keeping brain researchers and linguists busy. But this issue affects us all… You are what you speak?!


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    Language families
    About 7 billion people live on Earth. And they speak about 7,000 different languages! Like people, languages can also be related. That is, they originate from a common root. There are also languages that are completely isolated. They are not genetically related to any other language. In Europe, for example, Basque is considered an isolated language. But most languages have "parents", "children" or "siblings". They belong to a particular language family. You can recognize how similar languages are through comparisons. Linguists today count around 300 genetic entities. Among those, there are 180 families that consist of more than one language. The rest make up 120 isolated languages. The largest language family is the Indo-European. It is comprised of around 280 languages. This includes Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages. There are more than 3 billion speakers on all continents! The Sino-Tibetan language family is dominant in Asia. It has more than 1.3 billion speakers. The main Sino-Tibetan language is Chinese. The third largest language family is in Africa. It is named after its area of circulation: Niger-Congo. "Only" 350 million speakers belong to it. Swahili is the main language in this family. In most cases: the closer the relationship, the better the understanding. People who speak related languages understand each other well. They can learn the other language relatively quickly. So, learn languages – family reunions are always nice!


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    Constructed Esperanto
    English is the most important universal language of today. Everyone is supposed to be able to communicate using it. But other languages also want to reach this goal. Constructed languages, for example. Constructed languages are purposely created and developed. That is, there is a plan according to which they are designed. With constructed languages, elements from different languages are mixed together. In this way, they should be easy to learn for as many people as possible. The goal of each constructed language is international communication. The most well-known constructed language is Esperanto. It was first introduced in 1887 in Warsaw. Its founder was the doctor Ludwik L. Zamenhof. He believed the main cause of (social) unrest lay in communication problems. Therefore, he wanted to create a language to bring people together. With it, people should talk with each other on an equal level. The pseudonym of the doctor was Dr. Esperanto, the Hopeful. That shows how much he believed in his dream. But the idea of universal understanding is much older. To date, many different constructed languages have been developed. They are associated with goals like tolerance and human rights. Speakers in more than 120 countries are proficient in Esperanto today. But there is also criticism against Esperanto. For example, 70% of the vocabulary has its source in Romance languages. And Esperanto is also distinctly shaped on Indo-European languages. It's speakers exchange thoughts and ideas at conventions and in clubs. Meetings and lectures are organized regularly. So, are you up for some Esperanto? Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton? – Jes, mi parolas Esperanton tre bone!
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