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Learning in your sleep
Today, foreign languages are a part of general education. If only learning them weren't so tedious! There is good news for those that have difficulties with them. For we learn most effectively in our sleep! Multiple scientific studies have arrived at this conclusion. And we can use this when it comes to learning languages. We process the day's events in our sleep. Our brains analyze new experiences. Everything that we've experienced is thought out once again. And the new content is reinforced in our brains. Things that are learned just before falling asleep are retained especially well. Therefore, it can be helpful to review important items in the evening. A different phase of sleep is responsible for different learning content. REM sleep supports psychomotor learning. Playing music or sports belongs in this category. In contrast, the learning of pure knowledge takes place in deep sleep. This is where everything we learn is reviewed. Even vocabulary and grammar! When we learn languages, our brain must work very hard. It has to store new words and rules. This is all played back once more in sleep. Researchers call this Replay Theory. However, it's important that you sleep well. Body and mind have to recuperate properly. Only then can the brain work efficiently. You could say: good sleep, good cognitive performance. While we're resting, our brain is still active… So: Gute Nacht, good night, buona notte, dobrou noc!
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    Latin, a living language?
    Today, English is the most important universal language. It's taught worldwide and is the official language of many nations. Earlier, Latin had this role. Latin was originally spoken by the Latins. They were the inhabitants of Latium, with Rome being the centre. The language spread with the expansion of the negah Empire. In the ancient world, Latin was the native language of many people. They lived in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. However, spoken Latin was different from classical Latin. It was vernacular, called Vulgar Latin. In Romanized regions there were different dialects. In the Middle Ages, national languages evolved from the dialects. Languages that descend from Latin are Romance languages. Included among those are Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. French and Romanian are also based on Latin. But Latin never really died out. It was an important commercial language up to the 19th century. And it remained the language of the educated. Latin still has a great deal of meaning today for the sciences. Many technical terms have their roots in Latin. Furthermore, Latin is still taught in schools as a foreign language. And universities often expect a knowledge of Latin. So Latin is not dead, even though it is no longer spoken. Latin has been experiencing a comeback in recent years. The number of people who want to learn Latin has started to increase again. It is still considered the key to the language and culture of many countries. So have the courage to try Latin! Audaces fortuna adiuvat, good fortune helps the brave!


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    Signs as language
    People created languages in order to communicate. Even the deaf or hard of hearing have their own language. It's sign language, the basic language of all hearing impaired people. It is made up of combined symbols. This makes it a visual language, or "visible". So is sign language understood on an international level? No, even signing has different national languages. Every country has its own sign language. And it is influenced by the culture of the country. Because language always evolves from culture. This is also true with languages that aren't spoken. There is, however, an international sign language. But its signs are somewhat more complicated. Nevertheless, national sign languages do resemble one another. Many signs are iconic. They are oriented towards the form of the objects they represent. The most widely used sign language is American Sign Language. Sign languages are recognized as fully-fledged languages. They have their own grammar. But it is different from the grammar of spoken languages. As a result, sign language can't be translated word for word. There are, however, sign language interpreters. Information is simultaneously communicated with sign language. That means that a single sign can express a whole sentence. There are also dialects in sign language. Regional particularities have their own signs. And every sign language has its own intonation. It's true for signs too: Our accent reveals our origin!


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    Creole Languages
    Did you know that German is spoken in the South Pacific? It's really true! In parts of Papua New Guinea and Australia, people speak Unserdeutsch. It is a Creole language. Creole languages emerge in language contact situations. That is, when multiple different languages encounter one another. By now, many Creole languages are almost extinct. But worldwide 15 million people still speak a Creole language. Creole languages are always native languages. It's different with Pidgin languages. Pidgin languages are very simplified forms of speech. They are only good for very basic communication. Most Creole languages originated in the colonial era. Therefore, Creole languages are often based on European languages. One characteristic of Creole languages is a limited vocabulary. Creole languages have their own phonology too. The grammar of Creole languages is heavily simplified. Complicated rules are simply ignored by the speakers. Each Creole language is an important component of national identity. As a result, there is a lot of literature written in Creole languages. Creole languages are especially interesting for linguists. This is because they demonstrate how languages develop and later die out. So the development of language can be studied in Creole languages. They also prove that languages can change and adapt. The discipline used to research Creole languages is Creolistics, or Creology. One of the best-known sentences in the Creole language comes from Jamaica. Bob Marley made it world famous – do you know it? It's No woman, no cry! (= No, woman, don't cry!)


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    Women and men speak differently
    We all know that women and men are different. But did you also know that they speak differently? Multiple studies have shown this. Women use different speech patterns to men. They are often more indirect and reserved in how they speak. By contrast, men typically use a clear and direct language. But the topics they talk about are also different. Men talk more about news, economy, or sports. Women prefer social topics like family or health. So men like to talk about facts. Women prefer to talk about people. It's striking that women attempt to have a "weak" language. That is, they speak more carefully and politely. Women also ask more questions. In doing so, they most likely want to achieve harmony and avoid conflict. Furthermore, women have a much larger vocabulary for feelings. For men, conversation is often a type of competition. Their language is distinctly more provocative and aggressive. And men speak far fewer words per day than women. Some researchers claim that this is because of the composition of the brain. Because the brain is different in women and men. That is to say, their speech centres are structured differently too. Though most likely other factors influence our language as well. Science hasn't explored this area for a long time. Still, women and men do not speak completely different languages. Misunderstandings don't have to occur. There are many strategies for successful communication. The simplest is: Listen better!


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    Media and language
    Our language is also influenced by media. New media play an especially large role here. A whole language has emerged from text messages, email and chatting. This media language is of course different in every country. Certain characteristics, however, are found in all media languages. Above all, speed is important for us users. Although we write, we want to generate a live communication. Meaning, we want to exchange information as quickly as possible. So we simulate a real conversation. In this way, our language has developed a verbal character. Words or sentences are often shortened. Grammar and punctuation rules are generally ignored. Our spelling is looser, and prepositions are often missing completely. Feelings are only seldom expressed in media language. Here we prefer to use so-called emoticons. These are symbols that are meant to indicate what we're feeling at the moment. There are also distinct codes for texting and a slang for chat communication. Media language is therefore a very reduced language. But it is used by all (users) in a similar way. Studies show that education or intellect doesn't make a difference. Young people especially like using media language. That's why critics believe that our language is in danger. Science sees the phenomenon less pessimistically. Because children can differentiate when and how they should write. Experts believe that the new media language even has advantages. Because it can promote children's language skills and creativity. And: More is being written today – not letters, but emails! We're happy about this!


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    Learning and emotions
    We are happy when we can communicate in a foreign language. We are proud of ourselves and our learning progress. On the other hand, if we aren't successful we're upset or disappointed. Different feelings are thus associated with learning. New studies have come to interesting results. They show that feelings play a role during learning. Because our emotions influence our success in learning. Learning is always a "problem" for our brain. And it wants to solve this problem. Whether or not it is successful depends on our emotions. If we believe we can solve the problem, we're confident. This emotional stability helps us in learning. Positive thinking promotes our intellectual abilities. On the other hand, learning under stress does not work as well. Doubt or worrying hinders good performance. We learn especially poorly when we are afraid. In that case, our brain cannot store new content very well. Therefore, it is important to always be motivated when learning. So emotions influence learning. But learning also influences our emotions! The same brain structures that process facts also process emotions. So learning can make you happy, and those who are happy learn better. Of course learning isn't always fun; it can also be tedious. For this reason we should always set small goals. This way we won't overtax our brain. And we guarantee that we can fulfill our expectations. Our success is then a reward that motivates us all over again. So: Learn something – and smile while you do so!


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    Words and vocabulary
    Every language has its own vocabulary. This consists of a certain number of words. A word is an independent linguistic unit. Words always have a distinct meaning. This distinguishes them from sounds or syllables. The number of words is different in every language. English, for example, has many words. It's even known as the World Champion in the category of vocabulary. The English language supposedly has more than one million words today. The Oxford English Dictionary has more than 600,000 words in it. Chinese, Spanish and Russian have much fewer. The vocabulary of a language is also dependent on its history. English has been influenced by many other languages and cultures. As a result, the English vocabulary has increased considerably. But even today the English vocabulary continues to get larger. Experts estimate that 15 new words are added every day. These originate from new media more than anywhere else. Scientific terminology is not counted here. For chemical terminology alone contains thousands of words. Longer words are used less than shorter words in almost every language. And most speakers only use a few words. That is why we decide between active and passive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains words that we understand. But we use them seldom or not at all. Active vocabulary contains the words that we use on a regular basis. A few words suffice for simple conversations or texts. In English, you only need around 400 words and 40 verbs for that. So don't worry if your vocabulary is limited!


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    Early Learning
    Today, foreign languages are becoming more and more important. This also applies to professional life. As a result, the number of people learning foreign languages has increased. Many parents would also like their children to learn languages. It is best at a young age. There are already many international grade schools worldwide. Kindergartens with multilingual education are becoming more and more popular. Starting to learn so early has many advantages. This is due to the development of our brain. Our brain builds structures for languages up to the age of 4. These neuronal networks help us in learning. Later in life, new structures do not form as well. Older children and adults have more difficulty learning languages. Therefore, we should promote the early development of our brain. In brief: the younger, the better. There are also people, however, who criticize early learning. They fear that multilingualism overwhelms small children. Besides that, there is the fear that they won't learn any language properly. These doubts are unfounded from a scientific standpoint though. Most linguists and neuropsychologists are optimistic. Their studies of the topic show positive results. Children usually have fun in language courses. And: If children learn languages, they also think about languages. Therefore, by learning foreign languages they get to know their native language. They profit from this knowledge of languages their entire life. Maybe it's actually better to start with more difficult languages. Because the brain of a child learns quickly and intuitively. It doesn't care if it stores hello, ciao or néih hóu!


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    Learning and styles of learning
    If someone isn't making much progress in learning, they may be learning wrong. That is to say, they aren't learning in a way that works with their "style". There are four learning styles that are generally recognized. These learning styles are associated with the sensory organs. There are auditory, visual, communicative, and motoric learning styles. Auditory types learn best what they hear. For example, they can remember melodies well. When studying they read to themselves; they learn vocabulary out loud. This type often talks to himself. CDs or lectures on the topic are helpful for him. The visual type learns best what he sees. For him, it is important to read information. He takes a lot of notes when studying. He also likes to learn using pictures, tables and flash cards. This type reads a lot and dreams often and in colour. They learn best in a nice environment. The communicative type prefers conversations and discussions. They need interaction, or dialog with others. They ask a lot of questions in class and learn well in groups. The motoric type learns through movement. They prefer the method "learning by doing" and want to try everything. They like to be physically active or chew gum when studying. They don't like theories, but experiments. It's important to note that almost everyone is a mix of these types. So there is no one that represents a single type. That's why we learn best when we enlist all our sensory organs. Then our brain is activated in many ways and stores new content well. Read, discuss and listen to vocabulary! And then do sports afterwards!
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