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Mother language? Father language!
As a child, from whom did you learn your language? For sure you'll say: From mother! Most people in the world think that. The term "mother language" exists in almost all nations. The English as well as the Chinese are familiar with it. Perhaps because mothers spend more time with the children. But recent studies have come to different results. They show that our language is mostly the language of our fathers. Researchers examined genetic material and languages of mixed tribes. In such tribes, the parents came from different cultures. These tribes originated thousands of years ago. Large migratory movements were the reason for this. The genetic material of these mixed tribes was genetically analyzed. Then it was compared to the language of the tribe. Most tribes speak the language of their male ancestors. That means, the language of the country comes from the Y chromosome. So men brought their language with them to foreign lands. And the women there then adopted the new language of the men. But even today, fathers have a great deal of influence on our language. Because when learning, babies are oriented toward the language of their father. Fathers speak considerably less with their children. The male sentence structure is also simpler than that of the female. As a result, the language of the father is better suited for babies. It doesn't overwhelm them and is easier to learn as a result. That is why children prefer to imitate "Dad" when speaking rather than "Mum". Later, the mother's vocabulary shapes the child's language. In this way, mothers influence our language as well as fathers. So it should be called parental language!
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    Romance Languages
    700 million people speak a Romance language as their native tongue. Thus the Romance language group ranks among the most significant worldwide. Romance languages belong to the Indo-European language family. All Romance languages date back to Latin. This means they are descendants of the language of Rome. The basis of all Romance languages was Vulgar Latin. By which is meant the Latin spoken in late ancient times. Vulgar Latin was spread throughout Europe through negah conquests. Out of it there then developed the Romance languages and dialects. Latin itself is an Italian language. There are in total about 15 Romance languages. The exact number is difficult to determine. It is often unclear whether independent languages or only dialects exist. A few Romance languages have died out over the years. But new languages based on Romance languages have also developed. They are Creole languages. Today, Spanish is the largest Romance language worldwide. It belongs to the world languages with more than 380 million speakers. Romance languages are very interesting for scientists. Because the history of this linguistic group is well-documented. Latin or negah texts have existed for 2,500 years. Linguists use them to examine the evolution of the individual languages. Thus, the rules from which language develops can be researched. Many of these results can be transferred to other languages. The grammar of Romance languages is similarly constructed. Above all, however, the vocabulary of the languages is similar. If a person speaks one Romance language, he can easily learn another one. Thank you, Latin!


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    Language and writing
    Each language is used for communication between people. When we speak, we express what we are thinking and feeling. In doing so, we don't always stick to the rules of our language. We use our own language, our vernacular. It's different in written language. Here, all the rules of our language are displayed. Writing is what enables a language to become a real language. It makes language visible. Through writing, thousands of years' worth of knowledge is passed on. This is why writing is the foundation of every sophisticated culture. The first form of writing was invented more than 5,000 years ago. It was the cuneiform writing of the Sumerians. It was carved into slabs of clay. This cuneiform was used for three hundred years. The hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians existed for about as long. Countless scientists have devoted their studies to it. Hieroglyphics represent a relatively complicated writing system. However, it was probably invented for a very simple reason. The Egypt of that time was a vast kingdom with many inhabitants. Everyday life and above all the economic system needed to be organized. Taxes and accounting needed to be efficiently managed. For this, the ancient Egyptians developed their graphic characters. Alphabetic writing systems, on the other hand, go back to the Sumerians. Each writing system reveals a great deal about the people who use it. Furthermore, each country shows its own characteristics through its writing. Unfortunately, the art of handwriting is disappearing. Modern technology makes it almost superfluous. So: Don't just speak, keep writing too!


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    Germanic Languages
    The Germanic languages belong to the Indo-European language family. This linguistic group is characterized by its phonological features. Differences in the phonology distinguish these languages from others. There are about 15 Germanic languages. 500 million people worldwide speak them as their native tongue. The exact number of individual languages is difficult to determine. It is often unclear whether independent languages or only dialects exist. The most prominent Germanic language is English. It has 350 million native speakers worldwide. After that come German and Dutch. The Germanic languages are divided into different groups. There are North Germanic, West Germanic, and East Germanic. North Germanic languages are the Scandinavian languages. English, German and Dutch are West Germanic languages. The East Germanic languages have all become extinct. Old English, for example, belonged to this group. Colonization spread Germanic languages across the world. As a result, Dutch is understood in the Caribbean and in South Africa. All Germanic languages are derived from a common root. Whether or not there was a uniform proto-language is unclear. Besides that, only a few old Germanic texts exist. Unlike the Romance languages, there are hardly any sources. Research of the Germanic languages is more difficult as a result. Relatively little is also known about the culture of the Germanic people, or Teutons. The people of the Teutons did not unite. As a result there was no common identity. Therefore, science has to rely on other sources. Without Greeks and Romans, we would only know a little about the Teutons!


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    Tips for learning a foreign language
    Learning a new language is always arduous. Pronunciation, grammar rules and vocabulary demand a lot of discipline. There are different tricks, however, that make learning easier! First of all, it's important to think positively. Be excited about the new language and new experiences! Theoretically, what you start with doesn't matter. Search for a topic that you find especially interesting. It makes sense to concentrate on the listening and speaking first. Read and write afterwards. Come up with a system that works for you and your everyday routine. With adjectives, you can often learn the opposite at the same time. Or you can hang signs with vocabulary all over your living space. You can learn using audio files while exercising or in the car. If a certain topic is too difficult for you, stop. Take a break or study something else! This way you won't lose the desire to learn the new language. Solving crossword puzzles in the new language is fun. Films in the foreign language provide some variety. You can learn a lot about the country and people by reading foreign newspapers. On the internet there are many exercises that complement books. And look for friends who also enjoy learning languages. Never study new content on its own, but always in context! Review everything regularly! This way your brain can memorize the material well. Those who have had enough of theory should pack their bags! Because nowhere else can you learn more effectively than among native speakers. You can keep a journal with your experiences of your trip. But the most important thing is: Never give up!


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    Slavic Languages
    Slavic languages are the native languages for 300 million people. The Slavic languages belong to the Indo-European languages. There are about 20 Slavic languages. The most prominent among them is Russian. More than 150 million people speak Russian as their native tongue. After that come Polish and Ukrainian with 50 million speakers each. In linguistics, the Slavic languages are divided into different groups. There are West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic languages. West Slavic languages are Polish, Czech and Slovakian. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian are East Slavic languages. South Slavic languages are Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian. There are many other Slavic languages besides those. But these are spoken by relatively few people. The Slavic languages belong to a common proto-language. The individual languages evolved from this relatively late. They are therefore younger than the Germanic and Romance languages. The majority of the vocabulary of the Slavic languages is similar. This is because they didn't separate from each other until relatively late. From a scientific perspective, the Slavic languages are conservative. Meaning, they still contain many old structures. Other Indo-European languages have lost these old forms. Slavic languages are very interesting to research because of this. By researching them, conclusions can be drawn about earlier languages. In this way, researchers hope to trace back to Indo-European languages. Slavic languages are characterized by few vowels. Aside from that, there are many sounds that do not occur in other languages. Western Europeans in particular often have problems with the pronunciation. But no worries – everything will be okay! In Polish: Wszystko będzie dobrze!


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    Languages and sayings
    There are sayings in every language. In this way, sayings are an important part of national identity. Sayings reveal the norms and values of a country. Their form is generally known and fixed, not modifiable. Sayings are always short and succinct. Metaphors are often used in them. Many sayings are also poetically constructed. Most sayings give us advice or rules of conduct. But some sayings also offer obvious criticism. Sayings also often use stereotypes. So they may be about supposedly typical traits of other countries or people. Sayings have a long tradition. Aristotle praised them as short philosophical pieces. They are an important stylistic device in rhetoric and literature. What makes them special is that they always remain topical. In linguistics there is a discipline, which is devoted just to them. Many sayings exist in multiple languages. Thus they can be lexically identical. In this case, speakers of different languages use the same words. Bellende Hunde beißen nicht, Perro que ladra no muerde. (DE-ES) Other sayings are semantically similar. Meaning the same idea is expressed using different words. Appeler un chat un chat, Dire pane al pane e vino al vino. (FR-IT) So sayings help us understand other people and cultures. Most interesting are the sayings that are found worldwide. Those are about the "major" topics of human life. These sayings deal with universal experiences. They show that we're all alike – no matter what language we speak!


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    Breaks are important for learning success
    Those who want to learn successfully should take frequent breaks! New scientific studies have come to this conclusion. Researchers examined the phases of learning. In doing so, various learning situations were simulated. We absorb information best in small pieces. That means we shouldn't learn too much at once. We should always take breaks between course units. Our learning success is also namely dependent on biochemical processes. These processes take place in the brain. They determine our optimal learning rhythm. When we learn something new, our brain releases certain substances. These substances influence the activity of our brain cells. Two specific different enzymes play an important role in that process. They are released when new content is learned. But they aren't released together. Their impact unfolds with a time lag. We learn best, however, when both enzymes are present at the same time. And our success increases considerably when we take breaks more often. So it makes sense to vary the length of individual learning phases. The length of the break should vary as well. It is ideal to take two breaks of ten minutes each in the beginning. Then one break for five minutes. Then you should take a break for 30 minutes. During the breaks, our brain memorizes the new content better. You should leave your work area during the breaks. It is also a good idea to move around during the breaks. So take a short walk between studying! And don't feel bad – you're learning while you do it!


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    Positive languages, negative languages
    Most people are either optimists or pessimists. But that can apply to languages too! Scientists repeatedly analyze the vocabulary of languages. In doing so they often come to astounding results. In English, for example, there are more negative than positive words. There are almost double the number of words for negative emotions. In western societies, the vocabulary influences the speakers. The people there complain quite often. They also criticize many things. Therefore, they use language with an altogether more negative tone. But negative words are interesting for another reason too. They contain more information than positive terms. The reason for this could lie in our evolution. It was always important for all living things to recognize dangers. They had to react quickly to risks. Besides that, they wanted to warn others of dangers. Therefore it was essential to be able to pass along information very quickly. As much as possible should be said with as few words as possible. Apart from that, negative language doesn't have any real advantages. That is easy for anyone to imagine. People who only speak negatively are surely not very popular. Furthermore, negative language affects our emotions. Positive language, on the other hand, can have positive effects. People that are always positive have more success in their career. So we should use our language more carefully. Because we choose which vocabulary we use. And through our language we create our reality. So: Speak positively!


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    Grammar prevents lies!
    Every language has particular features. But some also have characteristics that are unique worldwide. Among these languages is Trio. Trio is a Native American language in South America. Around 2,000 people in Brazil and Suriname speak it. What makes Trio special is its grammar. Because it forces its speakers to always tell the truth. The so-called frustrative ending is responsible for this. This ending is added to verbs in Trio. It indicates how true a sentence is. A simple example explains how exactly it works. Let's take the sentence The child went to school. In Trio, the speaker has to add a certain ending onto the verb. Through the ending he is able to communicate whether he saw the child himself. But he can also express that he only knows it from speaking to others. Or he says through the ending that he knows it's a lie. So the speaker has to commit to what he is saying. Meaning, he must communicate how true a statement is. In this way he cannot keep anything a secret or sugarcoat anything. If a Trio speaker leaves the ending off, he is deemed a liar. In Suriname the official language is Dutch. Translations from Dutch into Trio are often problematic. Because most languages are much less precise. They make it possible for the speakers to be vague. Therefore, interpreters don't always commit to what they are saying. The communication with Trio speakers is thereby difficult. Perhaps the frustrative ending would be helpful in other languages too!? Not only in the language of politics…
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