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Language and advertising
Advertising represents a specific form of communication. It wants to establish contact between producers and consumers. Like every type of communication, it too has a long history. Politicians or taverns were advertised as far back as the ancient times. The language of advertising uses specific elements of rhetoric. Because it has a goal, and is therefore a planned communication. We as consumers should be made aware; our interests have to be roused. However, above all we need to want the product and buy it. The language of advertising is typically very simple as a result. Only a few words and simple slogans are used. In this way our memory should be able to retain the content well. Certain types of words like adjectives and superlatives are common. They describe the product as especially beneficial. As a result, advertising language is usually very positive. Interestingly, advertising language is always influenced by culture. That is to say, the advertising language tells us a lot about societies. Today, terms like "beauty" and "youth" dominate in many countries. The words "future" and "safety" also appear often. Especially in western societies, English is popular. English is considered modern and international. For this reason it works well with technical products. Elements from Romance languages stand for indulgence and passion. It is popularly used for food or cosmetics. Those who use dialect want to emphasize values like homeland and tradition. Names of products are often neologisms, or newly created words. They typically have no meaning, just a pleasant sound. But some product names can really make a career! The name of a vacuum has even become a verb – to hoover!
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    Successful speaking can be learnt!
    Speaking is relatively easy. Successful speaking, on the other hand, is much more difficult. That is to say, how we say something is more important than that what we say. Various studies have shown this. Listeners subconsciously pay attention to certain characteristics of speakers. Thus, we can influence whether or not our speech will be well received. We just always have to pay close attention to how we speak. This applies to our body language as well. It must be authentic and fit with our personality. The voice also plays a role, because it is always assessed too. With men, for example, a deeper voice is advantageous. It makes the speaker appear confident and competent. On the other hand, a variation of voice has no effect. Particularly important however, is speed when speaking. The success of conversations was examined in experiments. Successful speaking means being able to persuade others. He who wants to persuade others must not speak too quickly. Otherwise he gives the impression that he is not sincere. But speaking too slowly is also unfavorable. People who speak very slowly come across as unintelligent. Therefore, it's best to speak with average speed. 3.5 words per second is ideal. Pauses are also important in speaking. They make our speech more natural and believable. As a consequence, listeners trust us. 4 or 5 pauses per minute are ideal. So just try to control your speech better! Then let the next interview come…


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    Tonal Languages
    Most of all the languages spoken worldwide are tonal languages. With tonal languages, the pitch of the tones is crucial. They determine what meaning words or syllables have. Thus, the tone belongs firmly to the word. Most of the languages spoken in Asia are tonal languages. For example, Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese. There are also various tonal languages in Africa. Many indigenous languages in America are tonal languages as well. Indo-European languages mostly contain only tonal elements. This applies to Swedish or Serbian, for example. The number of tone pitches is varied in individual languages. Four different tones are distinguishable in Chinese. With this, the syllable ma can have four meanings. They are mother, hemp, horse and to rant. Interestingly, tonal languages also impact our hearing. Studies on absolute hearing have shown this. Absolute hearing is the ability to identify heard tones accurately. Absolute hearing occurs very rarely in Europe and North America. Fewer than 1 in 10,000 people have it. It's different with native speakers of Chinese. Here, 9 times as many people have this special ability. We all had absolute hearing when we were infants. We used it to learn to speak correctly. Unfortunately, most people lose it later on. The pitch of tones is also important in music. This is especially true for cultures that speak a tonal language. They must adhere to the melody very precisely. Otherwise a beautiful love song comes out as an absurd song!


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    Language change
    The world in which we live changes every day. As a result, our language can never stagnate. It continues to develop with us and is therefore dynamic. This change can affect all areas of a language. That is to say, it can apply to various aspects. Phonological change affects the sound system of a language. With semantic change, the meaning of words change. Lexical change involves changes to vocabulary. Grammatical change alters grammatical structures. The reasons for linguistic change are varied. Often economic reasons exist. Speakers or writers want to save time or effort. Such being the case, they simplify their speech. Innovations can also promote language change. That is the case, for instance, when new things are invented. These things need names, so new words emerge. Language change is typically not planned. It is a natural process and often happens automatically. But speakers can also vary their language quite consciously. They do that when they want to achieve a certain effect. The influence of foreign languages also promotes language change. This becomes particularly obvious in times of globalization. The English language influences other languages more than any other. You can find English words in almost every language. They are called Anglicisms. Language change has been criticized or feared since ancient times. At the same time, language change is a positive sign. Because it proves: Our language is alive – just like us!


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    Babies are lip readers!
    When babies are learning to speak, they pay attention to their parents' mouths. Developmental psychologists have figured this out. Babies begin to read lips around six months of age. This way they learn how they must form their mouth to produce sounds. When babies are a year old, they can already understand a few words. From this age on they begin to look people in the eyes again. In doing so they get a lot of important information. By looking into their eyes, they can tell if their parents are happy or sad. They get to know the world of feelings in this way. It gets interesting when someone speaks to them in a foreign language. Then babies begin to read lips all over again. In this way they learn how to form foreign sounds as well. Therefore, when you speak with babies you should always look at them. Aside from that, babies need dialogue for their language development. In particular, parents often repeat what babies say. Babies thus receive feedback. That is very important for infants. Then they know that they are understood. This confirmation motivates babies. They continue to have fun learning to speak. So it's not enough to play audiotapes for babies. Studies prove that babies really are able to read lips. In experiments, infants were shown videos without sound. There were both native language and foreign language videos. The babies looked longer at the videos in their own language. They were noticeably more attentive in doing so. But the first words of babies are the same worldwide. "Mum" and "Dad" – easy to say in all languages!


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    Learning changes the brain
    Those who work out often sculpt their bodies. But it is apparently possible to exercise one's brain too. That means more than talent is needed to learn a language. It is just as important to practice regularly. Because practice can positively influence structures in the brain. Of course, a special talent for languages is usually hereditary. Nevertheless, intensive exercise can change certain brain structures. The volume of the speech centre increases. The nerve cells of people who practice a lot are also altered. It was long believed that the brain was unalterable. The belief was: What we don't learn as children, we'll never learn. Brain researchers, however, have come to a completely different conclusion. They were able to show that our brain remains agile for a lifetime. You could say that it functions like a muscle. Therefore it can continue growing into old age. Every input is processed in the brain. But when the brain is exercised it processes inputs much better. That is to say, it works faster and more efficiently. This principle holds true for both young and old people equally. But it is not imperative that a person study in order to exercise his brain. Reading is also very good practice. Challenging literature especially promotes our speech centre. This means that our vocabulary gets larger. Moreover, our feeling for language is improved. What is interesting is that not only the speech centre processes language. The area that controls motor skills also processes new content. Therefore it is important to stimulate the whole brain as often as possible. So: Exercise your body AND your brain!


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    The development of language
    Why we speak with each other is clear. We want to exchange ideas and understand each other. How exactly language originated, on the other hand, is less clear. Various theories exist about this. What's certain is that language is a very old phenomenon. Certain physical traits were a prerequisite for speaking. They were necessary in order for us to form sounds. People as far back as the Neanderthals had the ability to apply their voice. In this way, they could distinguish themselves from animals. Additionally, a loud, firm voice was important for defence. A person could threaten or frighten enemies with it. Back then, tools had already been made and fire had been discovered. This knowledge had to be passed along somehow. Speech was also important for hunting in groups. As early as 2 million years ago there was a simple understanding among people. The first linguistic elements were signs and gestures. But people wanted to be able to communicate in the dark too. More importantly, they also had the need to talk to each other without looking. Therefore, the voice developed, and it replaced the gestures. Language in today's sense is at least 50,000 years old. When Homo sapiens left Africa, they distributed language around the world. The languages separated from each other in the different regions. That is to say, various language families came into being. However, they only contained the fundamentals of language systems. The first languages were much less complex than languages today. They were further developed through grammar, phonology and semantics. It could be said that different languages have different solutions. But the problem was always the same: How do I show what I'm thinking?


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    Talking to yourself
    When someone is talking to himself, it's odd to listeners. And yet almost everyone talks to themselves on a regular basis. Psychologists estimate that more than 95 percent of adults do it. Children almost always talk to themselves when playing. So it is completely normal to have conversations with yourself. This is just a special form of communication. And there are many advantages in talking to yourself every now and then! This is because we organize our thoughts through speech. Our inner voice emerges when we talk to ourselves. You might also say it's thinking out loud. Scatterbrained people in particular talk quite often to themselves. In their case, a certain area of the brain is less active. Therefore, they are less organized. With self-talks they are helping themselves be more methodical. Self-talks can also help us make decisions. And they are a very good way to relieve stress. Self-talks promote concentration and make you more productive. Because saying something aloud takes longer than just thinking about it. We are more aware of our thoughts when speaking. We tackle difficult tests better when we talk to ourselves in the process. Various experiments have shown this. We can also give ourselves courage through self-talks. Many athletes hold self-talks to motivate themselves. Unfortunately, we typically talk to ourselves in negative situations. Therefore, we should always try to be positive. And we often have to review what we wish for. In this way we can positively influence our actions through speaking. But unfortunately, that only works when we stay realistic!


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    Linguistic geniuses
    Most people are pleased if they can speak one foreign language. But there are also people who master more than 70 languages. They can speak all these languages fluently and write them correctly. It could be said then that there are people who are hyper-polyglots. The phenomenon of multilingualism has been around for centuries. There are many reports of people with such a talent. Where this ability comes from has not yet been thoroughly researched. There are various scientific theories on this. Some believe the brains of multilingual individuals are structured differently. This difference is especially visible in the Broca Center. Speech is produced in this part of the brain. The cells of this area are constructed differently in multilingual people. It is possible that they process information better as a result. However, further studies to confirm this theory are lacking. Perhaps what's decisive is just an exceptional motivation. Children learn foreign languages from other children very quickly. This is due to the fact that they want to blend in when playing. They want to become a part of the group and communicate with others. With that said, their learning success is dependent on their will to be included. Another theory implies cerebral matter grows through learning. Thus, the more we learn, the easier learning becomes. Languages which are similar to one another are also easier to learn. So a person who speaks Danish learns to speak Swedish or Norwegian quickly. Many questions are still unanswered. What is sure, however, is that intelligence doesn't play a role. Some people speak many languages despite low intelligence. But even the greatest linguistic genius needs a lot of discipline. That is a little comforting, right?


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    Talented linguist baby
    Before they can even speak, babies know a lot about languages. Various experiments have shown this. Child development is researched in special baby labs. How children learn languages is also researched. Babies are obviously more intelligent than we thought up to now. Even with 6 months they have many linguistic abilities. They can recognize their native language, for example. French and German babies react differently to certain tones. Different stress patterns result in different behavior. So babies have a feeling for the tone of their language. Very small children can also memorize several words. Parents are very important for the language development of babies. Because babies need interaction directly after birth. They want to communicate with Mum and Dad. The interaction must be accompanied by positive emotions, however. Parents mustn't be stressed when they speak with their babies. It is also wrong to only seldom speak with them. Stress or silence can have negative effects for babies. Their language development can be adversely influenced. Learning for babies already begins in the womb! They react to speech before birth. They can perceive acoustic signals accurately. After birth they can then recognize these signals. Unborn children can also even learn the rhythms of languages. Babies can already hear their mother's voice in the womb. So you can even speak with unborn children. But you mustn't overdo it… The child will still have plenty of time to practice after birth!
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