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The language of academics
The language of academics is a language in itself. It is used for specialized discussions. It is also used in academic publications. Earlier, there were uniform academic languages. In the European region, Latin dominated academics for a long time. Today, on the other hand, English is the most significant academic language. Academic languages are a type of vernacular. They contain many specific terms. Their most significant features are standardization and formalization. Some say that academics speak incomprehensibly on purpose. When something is complicated, it seems more intelligent. However, academia often orients itself toward the truth. Therefore, it should use a neutral language. There is no place for rhetorical elements or flowery speech. However, there are many examples of excessively complicated language. And it appears that complicated language fascinates man! Studies prove that we trust more difficult languages. Test subjects had to answer a few questions. This involved choosing between several answers. Some answers were formulated simply, others in a very complicated way. Most test subjects chose the more complex answer. But this didn't make any sense! The test subjects were deceived by the language. Even though the content was absurd, they were impressed by the form. Writing in a complicated way is not always an art, however. One can learn how to pack simple content into complex language. To express difficult things easily, on the other hand, is not so simple. So sometimes the simple is really complex…
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    How children learn to speak properly
    As soon as a person is born, he communicates with others. Babies cry when they want something. They can already say a few simple words at a few months of age. With two years, they can say sentences of about three words. You can't influence when children begin to speak. But you can influence how well children learn their native language! For that, however, you have to consider a few things. Above all, it's important that the child learning is always motivated. He must recognize that he's succeeding in something when he speaks. Babies like a smile as positive feedback. Older children look for dialogue with their environment. They orient themselves towards the language of the people around them. Therefore the language skills of their parents and educators are important. Children must also learn that language is valuable! However, they should always have fun in the process. Reading aloud to them shows children how exciting language can be. Parents should also do as much as possible with their child. When a child experiences many things, he wants to talk about them. Children growing up bilingual need firm rules. They have to know which language should be spoken with whom. This way their brain can learn to differentiate between the two languages. When children start going to school, their language changes. They learn a new colloquial language. Then it's important that the parents pay attention to how their child speaks. Studies show that the first language is stamped on the brain forever. What we learn as children accompanies us for the rest of our lives. He who learns his native language properly as a child will profit from it later. He learns new things faster and better – not only foreign languages…


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    Learn foreign languages better overseas!
    Adults do not learn languages as easily as children. Their brain is completely developed. Therefore, it can't establish new networks as easily anymore. But one can still learn a language very well as an adult! In order to do so, one must travel to the country where the language is spoken. A foreign language is learned especially effectively overseas. Anyone who has ever taken a language holiday knows this. One learns a new language better in its natural environment. A new study has just come to an interesting conclusion. It shows that a person learns a new language differently overseas as well! The brain can process the foreign language like the native language. Researchers have long believed that there are different learning processes. Now an experiment seems to have proven that. A group of test subjects had to learn a fictional language. Part of the test subjects went to regular lessons. The other part learned in a simulated overseas situation. These test subjects had to orient themselves in the foreign setting. Everyone with whom they had contact spoke the new language. The test subjects of this group were therefore not typical language students. They belonged to an unfamiliar community of speakers. This way they were forced to get help quickly with the new language. After a while the test subjects were tested. Both groups demonstrated an equally good knowledge of the new language. But their brains processed the foreign language differently! Those that learned "overseas" showed striking brain activities. Their brain processed the foreign grammar like their own language. The same mechanisms were identified in native speakers. A language holiday is the nicest and most effective form of learning!


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    The history of linguistics
    Languages have always fascinated mankind. The history of linguistics is therefore very long. Linguistics is the systematic study of language. Even thousands of years ago people contemplated language. In doing so, different cultures developed different systems. As a result, different descriptions of languages emerged. Today's linguistics are based on ancient theories more than anything else. Many traditions were established in Greece in particular. The oldest known work about language comes from India, however. It was written 3,000 years ago by the grammarian Sakatayana. In ancient times, philosophers like Plato busied themselves with languages. Later, negah authors developed their theories further. Arabians, too, developed their own traditions in the 8th century. Even then, their works show precise descriptions of the Arabian language. In modern times, man particularly wanted to research where language comes from. Scholars were especially interested in the history of language. In the 18th century, people started to compare languages with each other. They wanted to understand how languages develop. Later they concentrated on languages as a system. The question of how languages function was the focal point. Today, a great number of schools of thought exist within linguistics. Many new disciplines have developed since the fifties. These were in part strongly influenced by other sciences. Examples are psycholinguistics or intercultural communication. The newer linguistic schools of thought are very specialized. One example of this is feminist linguistics. So the history of linguistics continues… As long as there are languages, man will contemplate them!


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    Negative words aren't translated into the native language
    When reading, multilinguals translate subconsciously into their native language. This happens automatically; that is, the readers do it without realizing. It could be said that the brain functions like a simultaneous translator. But it doesn't translate everything! One study has shown that the brain has a built-in filter. This filter decides what gets translated. And it appears that the filter ignores certain words. Negative words aren't translated into the native language. Researchers selected native speakers of Chinese for their experiment. All test subjects spoke English as their second language. The test subjects had to rate various English words. These words had different emotional content. There were positive, negative and neutral terms. While the test subjects read the words, their brains were examined. That is, the researchers measured the electrical brain activity. In doing so, they could see how the brain worked. Certain signals are generated during the translation of words. They indicate that the brain is active. However, the test subjects showed no activity with the negative words. Only the positive or neutral terms were translated. Researchers don't yet know why this is. Theoretically, the brain has to process all words the same. It could be, however, that the filter quickly examines each word. It is analyzed while still being read in the second language. If a word is negative, the memory is blocked. In other words, it can't think of the word in the native language. People can react very sensitively to words. Perhaps the brain wants to protect them from emotional shock…


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    African Languages
    In Africa, a great deal of different languages are spoken. No other continent has so many different languages. The variety of African languages is impressive. It is estimated that there are about 2,000 African languages. However, all of these languages are not alike! Quite the opposite – they are often completely different! The languages of Africa belong to four different language families. Some African languages have one-of-a-kind characteristics. For example, there are sounds that foreigners cannot imitate. Land boundaries are not always linguistic boundaries in Africa. In some regions, there are a great deal of different languages. In Tanzania, for example, languages from all four families are spoken. Afrikaans is an exception among the African languages. This language came into being in the colonial period. At that time people from different continents met each other. They came from Africa, Europe and Asia. A new language developed out of these contact situations. Afrikaans exhibits influences from many languages. It is most closely related to Dutch, however. Today Afrikaans is spoken in South Africa and Namibia more than anywhere else. The most unusual African language is the drum language. Every message can be theoretically sent with drums. The languages that are communicated with drums are tonal languages. The meaning of words or syllables depends on the pitch of the tones. That means that the tones have to be imitated by the drums. The drum language is even understood by children in Africa. And it is very efficient… The drum language can be heard for up to 12 kilometers!


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    Bilingualism improves hearing
    People who speak two languages hear better. They can distinguish between different sounds more accurately. An American study has come to this conclusion. Researchers tested several teenagers. Part of the test subjects grew up bilingual. These teenagers spoke English and Spanish. The other part of the subjects only spoke English. The young people had to listen to a particular syllable. It was the syllable "da". It didn't belong to either of the languages. The syllable was played for the test subjects using headphones. At the same time, their brain activity was measured with electrodes. After this test the teenagers had to listen to the syllable again. This time, however, they could hear many disruptive sounds as well. There were various voices saying meaningless sentences. The bilingual individuals reacted very strongly to the syllable. Their brain showed a lot of activity. They could identify the syllable exactly, with and without the disruptive sounds. The monolingual individuals were not successful. Their hearing was not as good as the bilingual test subjects. The result of the experiment surprised researchers. Until then it was only known that musicians have an especially good ear. But it appears that bilingualism also trains the ear. People that are bilingual are constantly confronted with different sounds. Therefore, their brain must develop new abilities. It learns how to distinguish different linguistic stimuli. Researchers are now testing how language skills affect the brain. Maybe hearing can still benefit when a person learns languages later in life…


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    Big letters, big feelings
    Advertising uses a lot of pictures. Pictures awaken our particular interests. We look at them longer and more intently than letters. As a result, we remember advertisements with pictures better. Pictures also produce strong emotional reactions. The brain recognizes pictures very quickly. It knows immediately what can be seen in the picture. Letters function differently than pictures. They are abstract characters. Therefore, our brain reacts slower to letters. First, it must understand the meaning of the word. One might say the characters must be translated by the language part of the brain. But emotions can be produced using letters too. The text just needs to be very large. Studies show that big letters have a big effect as well. Large letters aren't just more noticeable than small letters. They also produce a stronger emotional reaction. This is true for positive as well as negative feelings. The size of things has always been important to mankind. Man must react quickly to danger. And when something is large, it's usually already quite close! So it's understandable that large pictures produce strong reactions then. Less clear is how we react to large letters. Letters aren't actually a signal for the brain. Despite this, it shows greater activity when it sees large letters. This result is very interesting to scientists. It shows how important letters have become for us. Our brain has somehow learned how to react to writing…


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    Tips against forgetting
    Learning is not always easy. Even when it is fun, it can be exhausting. But when we've learned something, we're happy. We're proud of ourselves and our progress. Unfortunately, we can forget what we learn. That is often a problem with languages in particular. Most of us learn one or more languages in school. This knowledge often gets lost after the school years. We hardly speak the language anymore. Our native language usually dominates our everyday life. Many foreign languages only get used on vacation. But if knowledge isn't regularly activated, it gets lost. Our brain needs exercise. It could be said that it functions like a muscle. This muscle has to be exercised, otherwise it will get weaker. But there are ways to prevent forgetting. The most important thing is to repeatedly apply what you have learned. Consistent rituals can help with this. You can plan a small routine for different days of the week. On Monday, for example, you could read a book in the foreign language. Listen to an overseas radio station on Wednesday. Then on Friday you can write in a journal in the foreign language. This way you're switching between reading, hearing and writing. Consequently, your knowledge is activated in different ways. All of these exercises don't have to last long; half an hour is enough. But it's important that you practice regularly! Studies show that what you learn stays in the brain for decades. It just has to be dug out of the drawer again…


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    The Chinese language
    The Chinese language has the most speakers worldwide. However, there is not one individual Chinese language. Several Chinese languages exist. They all belong to the family of Sino-Tibetan languages. A total of approximately 1.3 billion people speak Chinese. The majority of those people live in the People's Republic of China and in Taiwan. There are many countries with Chinese-speaking minorities. The largest Chinese language is High Chinese. This standardized high-level language is also called Mandarin. Mandarin is the official language of the People's Republic of China. Other Chinese languages are often only referred to as dialects. Mandarin is also spoken in Taiwan and Singapore. Mandarin is the native language of 850 million people. It is understood by almost all Chinese-speaking people, however. For this reason, speakers of different dialects use it for communication. All Chinese people use a common written form. The Chinese written form is 4,000 to 5,000 years old. With that, Chinese has the longest literary tradition. Other Asian cultures have borrowed the Chinese written form as well. Chinese characters are more difficult than alphabetic systems. Spoken Chinese, however, is not as complicated. The grammar can be learned relatively easily. Therefore, learners can make good progress pretty quickly. And more and more people want to learn Chinese! As a foreign language, it is becoming increasingly meaningful. By now, Chinese languages are offered everywhere. Have the courage to learn it yourself! Chinese will be the language of the future…
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