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امتیاز واکنش
Potato Salad
Potatoes, 5 medium
Garlic, 4 cloves
Mint leaves, 1 tablespoon
Parsley leaves, 1 tablespoon
Cumin, 1-2 teaspoons
Lemon juice, 3 tablespoons
Olive oil, 5 tablespoons
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash potatoes and cook in boiling water for about 20-25 minutes, until tender. Rinse, peel, chop and set aside.
In a food processor, combine all other ingredients, except the potatoes, and pulse until a smooth paste forms. Mix the paste with potatoes.
Best enjoyed warm or lukewarm.

Health Benefits of Potato
Potato is one of the widely used vegetables worldwide. This shapeless tuber, bearing the scientific name Solanum Tuberosum, has cast a spell on most cuisines.
Patrons will be delighted to know that potatoes have more in store for them than just carbohydrates and calories. Let us uncover them.

Weight Gain
Potatoes are mounds of carbohydrates and contain little proteins. This makes it an ideal food for those lean and thins who desperately want to put on weight. Vitamins like C and B-complex also help in the proper absorption of this carbohydrate. That’s why they make an inevitable part of the diet of wrestlers.

Since potatoes predominantly contain carbohydrates, they are easy to digest and facilitate digestion. This makes them an ideal food for patients, babies and those who cannot digest hard food but need energy.
However, you must remember that eating too much potatoes regularly may cause acidity in the long run. Potatoes also contain a considerable amount of fiber or roughage, more in raw potatoes and cold ones than boiled or hot ones.

Skin Care

Vitamins C and B-complex and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are good for the skin. Apart from that, pulp obtained from crushed raw potatoes, mixed with honey, can serve as excellent skin and face packs. This helps cure pimples and spots on the skin.
Again, this pulp, if applied externally on burns, gives a quick relief and heals fast. Smashed potatoes, even water in which potatoes are washed, are very good for softening and cleaning skin, especially around elbows and back of the palms.


There are two aspects of this factor. Vitamins, calcium and magnesium in potatoes help give relief to those suffering from rheumatism. Water obtained from boiling potato gives relief in rheumatism. But due to its high starch or carbohydrate content, it tends to increase body weight which may have adverse effects on rheumatic people.

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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Mushroom Soup
    Mushrooms, 60 grams
    Butter, 1/2 cup
    Lemon juice, 1 teaspoon
    Onion, 1 small (sliced)
    All-purpose flour, 1/3 cup
    Chicken broth, 3 1/2 cups
    Salt, 1 teaspoon (add more if your broth has no salt)
    Ground pepper, 1/4 teaspoon
    Heavy cream, 1 cup
    Lemon for garnish

    Trim tough stem end of mushrooms and discard; remove stems and save for later. Slice mushroom caps thinly.
    In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, in hot butter, cook sliced mushrooms and lemon juice until mushrooms are tender.
    Reduce heat to medium-low, and remove all the mushrooms to bowl, leaving behind the juices and butter. In the same saucepan, cook onion and mushroom stems until onion is tender. Stir in flour until well blended. Cook for one minute, stirring the mixture constantly.
    Gradually stir in chicken broth while stirring constantly until the mixture is thickened. Transfer into a blender container half of the mixture.
    Tightly cover the container and blend at a high speed until mixture is smooth. Transfer to a new saucepan. Repeat with other half of mixture.
    Add salt and pepper. Check to see if more salt is needed. Stir in cooked mushroom slices and cream, and warm soup until boiling starts.
    Serve soup in individual bowls. Garnish with lemon zest or use traditional herbs such as thyme or parsley.

    Health Benefits of Mushrooms
    All mushrooms share certain characteristics that help you burn fat and keep illness and disease at bay.
    White button mushrooms are probably the most widely available and they are simply white mushrooms that come in small and large sizes.
    One of the best things about mushroom nutrition facts is that they are very low in calories. One cup of button mushrooms has just 15 calories. Their low calorie count is just one reason mushrooms are important fat burning foods.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Cardamom Cake
    Flour, 2 cups
    Sugar, 1 cup
    Ground cardamom, 1 tablespoon
    Baking powder, 1 tablespoon
    Canola oil, 1 cup
    Yogurt, 1 cup (mixed with 1 tablespoon baking soda)
    Eggs, 4
    Pistachios, 1/4 cup (mixed with 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom to garnish)
    Powdered sugar to garnish
    Salt, a pinch

    Preheat oven to 350 ˚C. In a mixing bowl, blend all dry ingredients: flour, sugar, cardamom, salt and baking powder. Add yogurt mixture, eggs, oil and mix until well blended.
    Pour into a greased cake pan and bake for 45-50 minutes; or until toothpick is clear upon insertion to check if cake is baked through.
    Remove from oven; cool, and flip over unto serving platter. Garnish with pistachio mix and powdered sugar minutes before serving.

    Health Benefits of Cardamom, Yogurt
    People suffering from digestive problems are recommended to add cardamom in their diet, as it acts as a digestive tonic and offers many benefits.
    Cardamom is an appetite stimulant. It enhances the appetite in the same way as it provides flavor to the dishes.
    It is an effective remedy for flatulence and helps relieve gas caused by garlic and onion.
    The spice also has the ability to counteract excessive stomach acid. It stimulates the production of bile and reduces the gastric juices. Ground cardamom seeds also help get rid of stomach cramps.
    Eating yogurt everyday is very healthy for the body. For those looking to supplement their protein, calcium and dairy, yogurt is a healthy choice.
    Yogurt is not just a delicious snack. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin B 12.
    When yogurt is compared to milk, yogurt contains more calcium and protein because of the added cultures.
    Yogurt must contain active and living cultures to be yogurt. Cultures are composed of unique living microorganisms that are responsible for many of the health and nutritional benefits of yogurt.



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Mango Soup
    Onion or shallot, 1 small (peeled and chopped)
    Mango, 1 ripe (peeled and chopped)
    Carrots, 1-2 medium (peeled and chopped)
    Potato, 1 large (peeled and chopped)
    Vinegar, 3 tablespoons
    Vegetable broth, 1 2/3 cup
    Coconut milk, 1 cup
    Butter, 1 tablespoon
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Preheat a medium-sized pot over medium heat, add butter and saute onion for three minutes. Add mango, carrots and potato, and saute for another three minutes. Add vinegar and let simmer for a few minutes.
    Add vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to low and let simmer for about 20 minutes.
    Puree, using a hand-held or regular blender. Add coconut milk, and bring to a boil again. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste.
    Serve hot with bread.

    Health Benefits of Mango
    Mangoes are seasonal fruits mainly available during the hot summer season. It is mostly cultivated in tropical regions.
    This tasty fruit has lots of health benefits, which many are not aware of. Some the amazing benefits of mangoes are listed below:

    Improves Digestion
    Mangoes are very beneficial for people suffering from acidity and its enzymes help relieve indigestion. The bio-active elements such as esters and aldehydes present in mango aids easy digestion.

    Lowers Cholesterol
    High level of soluble dietary fiber, pectin and vitamin C present in mangoes helps lower serum cholesterol levels specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

    Boosts Memory Power
    Mangoes are useful to children who lack concentration in studies, as it contains glutamine acid, which is good to boost memory and keep cells active.

    For Treating Acne
    Mango helps clear clogged pores that cause acne. Just slice the mango into very thin pieces and keep it on your face for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Rice Pilaf With Zucchini
    Zucchini, 1 medium (cut into 1/2 inch cubes)
    Olive oil, 2 tablespoons
    Salt, 2 teaspoons
    Ground black pepper, 1/2 teaspoon
    Unsalted butter, 1 tablespoon
    White onion, 1 medium (chopped)
    Rice, 1 1/2 cups (rinsed and drained)
    Chicken broth, 2 1/2 cups
    Parsley, 1/2 cup (chopped)
    Basil, 4 -5 leaves (cut into thin strips)

    Preheat oven to 400˚F (200˚C). Place the zucchini cubes on a baking sheet and toss with one tablespoon of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
    Roast for about 15 minutes, stirring periodically so it browns evenly, until it is tender and golden brown. Cool to room temperature. Melt the butter and the remaining one tablespoon of olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Add the onion and cook for about five minutes until soft.
    Add the rice and continue to cook, stirring often, for about two minutes, until the rice slides around easily in the pan.
    Stir in the broth, 2 tablespoons of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of pepper and bring to a low boil over medium high heat.
    Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, until fluffy and the rice has absorbed the liquid.
    Remove the rice from the heat, add the roasted zucchini, parsley and basil. Stir gently to combine. Season to taste if required. Serve warm.

    Health Benefits of Zucchini, Onion
    Zucchini helps cure asthma, as it contains vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties.
    The vegetable is known to help prevent diseases like scurvy and bruising, caused by the deficiency of vitamin C.
    Regular intake of zucchini lowers high homocysteine levels in the human body.
    The vegetable can help prevent the risk of having multiple scle-rosis. Zucchinis have high water content (over 95 percent), high nutritious value and contain a very low amount of calories, so they make the perfect snack item for people on diet.
    The vegetable contains useful amounts of folate, potassium and vitamin A, necessary for the proper functioning of human body.
    Zucchini contains vitamin C and lutein, both of which are known to be good for the eyes.
    While all onions are healthful, yellow onions are ranked as the most healthful as they are the most pungent, followed by red, and then white onions.
    Onion is rich in calcium and iron, and has a moderate protein content. The iron in onion is easily absorbed and therefore commonly prescribed for anemia by natural health experts.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Cheese Salad
    Potatoes, 50 grams (peeled or unpeeled)
    Cherry tomatoes, 8 (halved)
    Sweet onion, 1 small (thinly sliced)
    Black olives, 1/3 cup (pitted and halved)
    Fresh basil, 1/3 cup (chopped)
    Oregano juice, 1 tablespoon
    Olive oil, 1/4 cup
    Feta cheese, 200 grams (crumbled)
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Place the potatoes in a pot, cover with cold water by at least an inch, add a good pinch of salt and bring to a boil.
    Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the potatoes are almost tender. Drain on a rack set in the sink and leave them there until cool enough to handle.
    Cut potatoes into 1/3-inch cubes. Drop them into a mixing bowl, separating the cubes as you go.
    Add the tomatoes, onion, olives, basil and feta. Toss gently. Crumble the oregano over the top, pour in the oil and toss gently.

    Health Benefits of Tomato
    Tomato benefits eyesight, hypertension, diabetes, skin problems and urinary tract infections.
    It is considered both a fruit and vegetable, and forms an integral part of the cuisine all across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region.
    Daily consumption of tomato provides a great boost to health, apart from improving the flavor of food. It consists of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer.
    It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, and exerts a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.
    Health benefits of tomato have been known to mankind since ages. Tomato is a rich source of antioxidants that have been proven to be effective against many forms of cancer.
    Tomato contains a large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant highly effective in scavenging cancer-causing free radicals. This benefit can be obtained from even heat-processed tomato products, including ketchup.
    The lycopene in tomato fights against cancer and has been shown to be particularly effective in fighting prostate cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and esophageal cancers. It also protects against breast cancer and cancer of mouth.
    Tomato prevents serum lipid oxidation, thus exerting protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. The regular consumption of tomato has proved to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. These lipids are key culprits in cardiovascular diseases and lead to deposition of fats in the blood vessels.



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Mixed Vegetable Pickle
    Carrots, 3 large (peeled, lightly steamed and finely chopped or shredded)
    Onions, 3 medium (peeled and finely diced)
    Eggplants, 2 medium (peeled and diced)
    Cucumbers, 2 large (peeled and finely chopped)
    Green peppers, 2 (washed, cleaned and diced)
    Cauliflower, 1 small (washed, finely chopped)
    Head of celery, 1 small (washed and finely chopped)
    Cabbage, 1/2 cup (shredded)
    Parsley & coriander, 1 cup (washed and finely chopped)
    Tarragon & mint & basil, 2 tablespoons
    Lime powder, 1 tablespoon
    Angelica (Golpar), 1 tablespoon (crushed)
    Fennel (Razyaneh), 1 tablespoon
    Coriander (Gashniz), 2 tablespoons
    Garlic, 6-7 cloves (finely chopped)
    Salt, 4-5 tablespoons
    Red hot peppers, 2 (dried or fresh, chopped)
    Turmeric powder, 2 teaspoons
    White distilled vinegar, 2-3 liters

    Salt the eggplants and either bake them in the 350 ˚F oven for 30 minutes or cook them with 1/2 cup of vinegar on medium-low heat for fifteen minutes. Set aside to cool.
    Water should be completely drained from all the herbs and vegetables before mixing them. Spread out the washed herbs on a table cloth for several hours to dry.
    In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well.
    Using a wooden spoon, pack the pickles in clean glass jars up to the rim. Press down on them to make more room as you are filling up the jars. Add more vinegar, if needed.
    Sprinkle a teaspoon of salt into each jar before closing the lid tightly.
    Store in a cool dry place for at least two weeks before serving.

    Health Benefits of Vegetables
    People who eat fruit and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet generally have a reduced risk of many chronic diseases.
    Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folic acid and vitamins A, E and C. Options like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and garlic provide additional benefits.
    Potassium may help maintain a healthy blood pressure. Dietary fiber from vegetables helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower the risk of heart disease. Folic acid helps the body form healthy red blood cells.
    Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy need adequate folate to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and spine bifida during fetal development.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Persian White Fish
    White fish, 1 whole
    Garlic, 2-3 cloves
    Orange, 1 large
    Lime, 1
    Fresh dill, 1/2 cup
    Olive oil or butter
    Salt & pepper to taste

    Thinly slice orange, lime and garlic cloves. Wash dill and remove the hard portion of their stem.
    Buy a whole fish and leave the head on. At this point you can either continue cooking the fish with its head on or simply cut it off. Wash fish and pat completely dry.
    Season the fish with salt and pepper. Then arrange a few slices of garlic cloves, top with a few slices of orange and lime. Add a few more garlic cloves on top, followed by some dill.
    Next score fish every two to three inches for even cooking. Then add a touch of olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
    Grease a roasting pan with some olive oil; then flip fish onto the pan seasoned side down. Score fish every two to three inches.
    Rub some olive oil on, or butter, all over the fish, including the head and tale, season with salt and pepper. Add a garlic slice in each hole from scoring.
    Add a touch of juice from either one of the citruses. Arrange remaining slices of orange or lime on top along with remaining dill. Cook in the oven at 375° F until fish is completely cooked.
    Cooking times generally vary depending on the thickness of the fish. Generally, cooking time is ten minutes for every inch in the thickest part.
    Serve fish immediately along with slices of orange and lime.

    Health Benefits of White Fish
    Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin).
    It is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium and potassium.
    Eating fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients keep our heart and brain healthy.
    Two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
    Our bodies don’t produce omega-3 fatty acids, so we must get them through the food we eat.
    Omega-3 fatty acids are found in every kind of fish, but are especially high in fatty fish. Some good choices are salmon, trout, sardines, herring, canned mackerel, canned light tuna and oysters.



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Persian Fried Chicken
    Chicken breasts, 2
    Ground dried lime, 1 1/2 tablespoon
    Summer savory, 1 tablespoon
    Salt, 1 tablespoon
    Ground black pepper, 1/2 tablespoon
    Oil, 1 tablespoon
    Butter, 1 tablespoon

    In a coffee grinder, grind dried limes. In a small bowl, mix ground dried lime, summer savory, salt and pepper.
    Wash and pat chicken breast dry. Cut each chicken breast in half. Instead of pounding each piece to make them thinner and then cutting them in half, you can just cut each breast in half avoiding the extra time spent on pounding the chicken.
    You will end up with four pieces. It’s much easier to pan fry the chicken when the pieces are thinner.
    Generously sprinkle the mixture on each chicken piece. In a skillet, melt oil and butter. Then, saute chicken breasts without crowding them.
    Flip chicken once they turn golden. This whole process should not take too long as the pieces are on the thin side and not only will cook fast, but also evenly.
    This recipe can be served with potatoes and a salad made with tomato, basil and Feta cheese for a delicious and quick meal.

    Health Benefits of Chicken
    Chicken is rated as a very good source of protein, providing 67.6 percent of the daily value for protein in 110 grams. The structure of humans and animals is built on protein.
    We derive our amino acids from animal and plant sources of protein, then rearrange the nitrogen to make the pattern of amino acids we require.
    People looking for ways to reduce the amount of fat in their meals can try eating more chicken. The leanest part of the chicken is the chicken breast. The fat in chicken is also less saturated than beef fat.
    However, eating the chicken with the skin doubles the amount of fat and saturated fat in the food. For this reason, chicken is best skinned before cooking.
    Studies show that some sections of the population, especially older people, have poor protein intake. But protein may be important in reducing bone loss in older people.
    In one study, the 70- to 90-year-old men and women with the highest protein intakes lost significantly less bone over four years than those who consumed less protein.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Mushroom Stew
    Chicken thighs, 8
    Onions, 2 medium
    Garlic, 4 cloves
    Mushrooms, 900 grams
    Flour, 1 tablespoon
    Saffron, 2 tablespoons
    Lemon juice, 4 tablespoons
    Egg yolks, 2
    Oil for frying
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Dice onion and mince garlic, then saute in some oil until golden. Season the chickens with salt and pepper. Add to onion and cook for about four minutes on each side.
    Add 1/2 cup of water, cover and cook on medium heat for half an hour.
    In the meantime, clean mushrooms. Cut off the bottom portion of the stem and depending on the size of each mushroom, either cut into four or eight sections. You can use any type of mushrooms you like.
    Saute mushrooms in a thin layer of oil until their juices evaporate. Add flour to mushrooms and mix well. Season it with salt and pepper.
    Add saffron and lemon juice to chicken and mix well. Then add mushrooms and continue cooking uncovered for about ten minutes.
    Beat egg yolks in a bowl and carefully taper in the egg yolks with a bit of the juices from the stew.
    Add tapered egg yolks to the pot and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Make sure to adjust seasoning.
    You will have a fantastic stew in just less than one hour to serve over rice.

    Health Benefits of Mushroom
    All mushrooms share certain characteristics that help you burn fat and keep illness and disease at bay.
    White button mushrooms are probably the most widely available and they are simply white mushrooms that come in small and large sizes. Then there are Portobello mushrooms, which are large brown mushrooms. Baby bellas, sometimes called Crimini mushrooms, are small brown mushrooms with a hearty flavor.
    Other mushrooms that may be slightly more difficult to find include shitake, porcini and oyster mushrooms.
    One of the best things about mushroom nutrition facts is that they are very low in calories. One cup of button mushrooms has just 15 calories, while 1 cup of Portobello mushrooms has 22 calories. Their low calorie count is just one reason mushrooms are important fat burning foods.
    Mushrooms are also a fat-free food, which is helpful when you need to lose weight. What’s more is that mushrooms have no cholesterol and less than 1 percent of your daily value of sodium.


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