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امتیاز واکنش
Lemon Potage
Rice, 200 grams
Herbs (parsley, mint, coriander, spring-onion ends), 1 kg (chopped)
Ground lamb or beef, 500 grams
Split peas, 3 tablespoons
Fresh lime juice, 3-4 tablespoons
Sugar, 2-3 tablespoons
Marjoram, 2 tablespoons
Mint powder, 1tablespoon
Onions, 4 large
Cooking oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Peel and slice two onions and fry in oil until slightly golden. Add 4-5 glasses of hot water, split-peas, salt and pepper, and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.
Wash rice and add to the potage. Cook for another 15-20 minutes. Peel and grate two onions.
Add to meat with salt and pepper and mix well. Shape into tiny balls and add to the potage. Wash herbs, chop finely and add to the pot, cooking it for another 15-20 minutes.
Add in lime juice, sugar and marjoram (if fresh marjoram is used, it should be finely chopped). Mix well and cook for a few more minutes.
Fry mint in one tablespoon of oil for a few minutes (if fresh mint is used, it should be finely chopped before frying). Add the fried mint on top of the potage and serve.

Health Benefits of Lemon
The health benefits of lemon include treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, fever, hair care, skin care, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, overweight, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure.
Known for its therapeutic property since generations, lemon helps strengthen your immunity system and cleanse your stomach. It is not only a blood purifier but also enables the body to fight diseases.
Lemon juice, especially, has several health benefits associated with it. Useful for treating kidney stones, curing heart strokes and reducing the body temperature, lemonade helps you to stay calm and cool.
The health benefits of lemon are due to many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin B, phosphorous, proteins and carbohydrates present in it.
Lemon contains flavonoid, a composite that holds antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.
Studies conducted at the American Urological Association highlight the fact that lemonade or lemon juice can cure kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which can prevent the formation of crystals.
Many people use lemon as a washing agent, as it can remove stains. Lemon can also repel mosquitoes.

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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Spinach With Eggs
    Frozen spinach, 2 cups (chopped, thawed and drained)
    Eggs, 2-4
    Onion, 1 large (thinly sliced)
    Garlic, 1-2 cloves (minced)
    Turmeric, 1/3 teaspoon
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Oil for frying

    Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat and saute onion till golden brown. Add garlic, turmeric and saute for another 5 minutes.
    Add spinach, season to taste with salt and pepper. Cook for 5-7 minutes on medium heat.
    Break the eggs one at a time into a small bowl and then gently place it on top of the vegetables. Cover and cook for few minutes until the eggs are set.
    Serve warm on a platter with baked potatoes, yogurt and warm bread.

    Health Benefits of Spinach
    Low in calories and high in vitamins, spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense foods in existence. One cup of the leafy green vegetable contains far more than your daily requirements of vitamin K and vitamin A, almost all the manganese and folate your body needs and nearly 40 percent of your magnesium requirement.
    It is an excellent source of more than 20 measurable nutrients, including dietary fiber, calcium and protein. And yet, 1 cup has only 40 calories. Spinach is an excellent choice for nutrition without high calories.
    Spinach contains more than a dozen flavonoid compounds, which work as cancer-fighting antioxidants. These elements neutralize free radicals in the body and help prevent cancer.
    In fact, one study of New England women showed less breast cancer cases among those who ate spinach on a regular basis. Spinach extracts have reduced skin cancer in lab animals and show promise at slowing stomach cancer as well.
    According to research compiled by Whole Foods, spinach is an excellent promoter of cardiovascular health. The antioxidant properties of spinach (water-soluble in the form of vitamin C and fat-soluble betacarotene) work together to promote good cardiovascular health by preventing the harmful oxidation of cholesterol.
    Oxidized cholesterol is a danger to the heart and arteries. Magnesium in spinach works toward healthy blood pressure levels. In fact, just a salad-size portion of spinach will work to lower high blood pressure within hours.
    A serving of spinach contains 65 percent of your daily requirement of folate, which converts harmful, stroke-inducing chemicals into harmless compounds.
    The Journal of Nutrition reports that our leafy friend, spinach, contains a carotenoid that makes prostate cancers destroy themselves. This same carotenoid, after being changed by the intestines, prevents prostrate cancer from reproducing itself.
    Spinach also contains kaempferol, a strong antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancerous cells. Women, who have a high intake of this flavonoid, show a reduced risk of ovarian cancer.



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Persian Prune Stew
    Onion, 1 medium
    Garlic, 4 cloves
    Chicken legs, 8
    Split peas, 1/2 cup
    Pitted prunes, 1 cup
    Turmeric, 1/2 tablespoon
    Saffron, 2 tablespoon (brewed)
    Salt & pepper

    Cut onion in small pieces and mince garlic. Saute in some oil until golden. Season chicken legs with salt and pepper, and add to the pot and saute for a few minutes.
    Add split peas into the pot along with 1 1/2 cups of water. Add a bit of salt, pepper and turmeric, cover and cook for 20 minutes. Pour washed prunes and continue to cook covered for another 40 minutes.
    Check for seasoning and add more salt, if needed. Add 2 tablespoons of brewed saffron and mix well. Cook for 5 minutes longer. Serve over rice.

    Health Benefits of Prunes
    Prunes are known to relieve constipation and help protect against disease. Here are some of their health benefits:

    Protection Against Cancer
    Prunes not only protect the brain from free radical damage but can also help prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
    They contain high levels of phytonutrients called phenols. They are particularly high in two unique phytonutrients called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid.
    Numerous studies show that these phytonutrients help prevent damage to cells, particularly when it comes to the oxidation of fat molecules in the body.
    Since all of our cell membranes, as well as our brain cells, are largely made up of fat, these are important phytonutrients to have in the diet.
    These compounds have also been found to inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the body, making them an important factor in the prevention of chronic diseases.

    Good Source of Vitamin C
    The ability of prunes and plums to help the body absorp iron may be due to its high levels of vitamin C.
    The high amounts of vitamins C also help build immunity and form collagen that supports strong, healthy tissue.

    Lowers Cholesterol
    The soluble fiber we just spoke of also helps lower cholesterol by soaking up excess bile in the intestine and then excreting it.
    Bile is made from cholesterol in the liver to digest fat. When the body excretes bile along with the fiber from prunes, the liver must use cholesterol in the body to make more bile thereby lowering the amount in circulation in the body.



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Herbal Pilaf
    Rice, 425 grams
    Butter, 50 grams
    Sunflower oil, 4 tablespoons
    Mixed dill, coriander, parsley and mint, 100 grams (chopped)
    Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon
    Salt to taste

    Wash the rice well and rinse it in a sieve until the water runs clear. Cover it with water and leave it to soak for two hours. Wash and rinse again.
    Bring a saucepan of water up to a boil, then pour the rice and salt in it. Cook the rice for about 6 minutes, until it’s just beginning to soften. Drain and rinse in lukewarm water.
    Heat the butter and oil in a heavy saucepan until foaming, then add half of the drained rice. Cover this with half the herbs, then the rest of the rice and finish with the rest of the herbs, seasoning as you go along.
    Turn the heat down and make three steam holes in the rice with the handle of a wooden spoon.
    Wrap the lid of the pan in a tea towel and put the covered lid onto the saucepan (the tea towel stops condensation from falling back into the rice).
    Let the rice cook for a further 20-25 minutes and make sure the heat is on very low. Empty the rice into a bowl, dislodging the crispy bits at the bottom.
    Break these up and add to the rest of the rice. If you like it rich, serve with extra melted butter and a squeeze of lemon on top. Persians put saffron in the butter before pouring it over.

    Health Benefits of Parsley
    Parsley is a Mediterranean herb that lends a sprinkling of color to your plate. But let’s not think of it as just a garnish. After all, parsley has been around for more than 2,000 years and boasts time-tested benefits that you should know about.

    a Parsley is rich in many vital vitamins, including vitamins C, B12, K and A. This means parsley keeps your immune system strong, tones your bones and heals the nervous system, too

    a It helps flush out excess fluid from the body, thus supporting kidney function. However, the herb contains oxalates, which can cause problems for those with existing kidney and gall bladder problems

    a Regular use of parsley can help control your blood pressure. The folic acid in this herb is like a tonic for your heart

    a Parsley essential oil, when massaged into the scalp, may reduce hair loss

    a Use parsley daily and you’ll feel relief from joint pain. That’s because the herb has anti-inflammatory properties

    a Parsley tea relaxes stiff muscles and encourages digestion

    a Studies indicate that parsley, especially its essential oil, may have a role in inhibiting cancerous tumors. In fact, scientists have billed it a “chemo protective” food



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Corn Soup
    Onion, 1 medium (finely sliced)
    Vegetable oil, 4 tablespoons
    Corn, 300 grams (fresh or frozen)
    Red pepper, 1 (diced)
    Ground cumin, 1 teaspoon
    Ground coriander, 1 teaspoon
    Chili powder, 1 teaspoon
    Tamarind, 1 tablespoon (soaked in water and pulp removed)
    Water or vegetable stock, 1 cup
    Coriander (finely chopped for garnish)

    Heat oil in a frying pan on medium heat. When hot, add onions and saute until soft. Add cumin, coriander and chili powder, and saute for 2-3 minutes more or until fragrant.
    Add corn and pepper, and saute for five minutes. Pour in water or stock, along with tamarind pulp. Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes, or until corn and pepper begins to soften. Season soup with salt and pepper to taste.
    Remove soup from heat. Let cool. Transfer half of soup to blender, puree and return it to pot.
    Ladle into soup bowls and garnish it with chopped coriander.

    Health Benefits of Corn
    Corn provides many health benefits due to the presence of quality nutrients within. Besides being a delicious addition to any meal, it is also rich in phytochemicals and provides protection against a number of chronic diseases.
    Some of the well-researched and widespread health benefits of corn are listed below:

    Rich Source of Calories
    Corn is a rich source of calories and is a staple among dietary habits in many populations. The calorific content of corn is 342 calories per 100 grams, which is among the highest for cereals.
    It is why corn is often turned to for quick weight gain, and combined with the ease and flexibility of growing conditions for corn, the high calorie content makes it vital for the survival of dozens of agricultural-based nations.

    Rich Source of Vitamins
    Corn is rich in vitamin B constituents, especially Thiamin and Niacin. Thiamin is essential for maintaining nerve health and cognitive function.
    Niacin deficiency leads to Pellagra; a disease characterized by diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis that is commonly observed in malnourished individuals.
    Corn is also a good source of Pantothenic acid, which is an essential vitamin for carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism in the body.
    Deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women can lead to the birth of underweight infants and may also result in neural tube defects in newborns.
    Corn provides a large percentage of the daily folate requirement, while the kernels of corn are rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that is essential for growth and protection of the body from illness and disease.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Green Beans Salad
    Green beans, 250 grams
    Grape tomatoes, 1/4 cup (halved)
    Olives, 1/2 cup (pitted and halved)
    Olive oil, 1 teaspoon
    Lemon juice, 1 tablespoon
    Hard-boiled eggs, 2 (chopped)
    Salt and ground pepper to taste

    In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook beans until tender, 3 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water.
    Halve beans and place in a bowl. Add tomatoes, olives, oil, lemon juice and eggs. Season the salad with salt and pepper.

    Health Benefits of Eggs, Green Beans
    a1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneration due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available in eggs than from other sources

    a2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs

    a3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids

    a4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke and heart attacks

    a5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system and cardiovascular system

    a6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat

    a7. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of an egg daily does not affect a person’s lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research has shown that saturated fat raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol

    Green Beans
    Green beans are some of the healthiest vegetables that you can eat. Whether you prefer to eat them raw, steamed or stir-fried, green beans are a great source of many nutrients that can help you boost your health.
    Some of the nutrients found in green beans are listed below:

    Vitamin K
    Vitamin K benefits the body by helping speed up the process of healing. For instance, when you develop a wound or any type of injury, vitamin K helps stimulate blood clotting, so excessive bleeding does not occur.

    Vitamin C
    Vitamin C is another vitamin that can be found in high amounts in green beans. Just like vitamin K, vitamin C also helps speed up the healing of cuts, bruises and even burns and surgical wounds.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Almond Sweets
    Curd, 150 grams
    Milk, 5 tablespoons
    Egg, 1
    Vegetable oil, 6 tablespoons
    Sugar, 75 grams
    Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon
    All-purpose flour, 300 grams
    Baking powder, 1 tablespoon
    Extra sugar, 50 grams
    Raisins, a handful
    Almond slivers, a handful
    Salt, a pinch

    Preheat oven to 330°F. Mix curd, milk, egg yolk (save the white for later), oil, sugar, vanilla and salt. Slowly add flour and baking powder, one tablespoon at a time.
    Roll out dough into a rectangular shape (less than 1cm/ half an inch thick).
    With a fork, slightly beat egg white, then spread onto the dough. Evenly sprinkle sugar, raisins and almonds, then roll together lengthwise.
    Cut into slices, about 1cm/half an inch thick and place onto a baking tray, press down a little. Bake for about 20 minutes. Let cool.

    Health Benefits of Almond
    Almonds can be used for curing health problems like cough, constipation, anemia, diabetes, heart problems, impotency and many respiratory problems. Along with these benefits, the nut will provide good dental care, hair and skin.
    When compared to many other nuts, almond is highly enriched with vitamins and nutrients like magnesium, phosphorous, vitamin E, copper, calcium, niacin, zinc, iron and selenium.
    Some of the health benefits of almond are explained below:

    Brain Growth
    Almond contains many nutrients that will help the development of brain cells. It increases intellectual ability and hence it is highly recommended for growing children.
    Most mothers will give three almonds to their children every day early in the morning.
    Some of the children will be very sensitive about the outer shell of the almond that will cause allergy. So, remove the outer layer of the almond and give it to the children early in the morning on an empty stomach after soaking it in water overnight.

    Lowers Cholesterol
    In human body, there are two types of cholesterol: HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). LDL is considered bad cholesterol, which will lead to health disorders.
    Regular consumption of almond will reduce the LDL and increase the HDL content in the body.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Lamb Soup
    Lamb, 800 grams (cut into 1-inch pieces)
    Chicken stock, 2 cups
    Tomatoes, 2 medium
    Onion, 1 large (chopped)
    Potatoes, 3/4 cup (cubed)
    Garlic, 3 cloves (finely chopped)
    Turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon
    Cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon
    Cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon
    Olive oil, 1/3 cup
    Parsley leaves (chopped for garnish)
    Lemon, 1 small (puncture eight holes through whole lemon using a sharp knife)
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Preheat oven to 350°F. In a small stainless steel pot, slowly bring chicken stock to a boil.
    Over medium-low heat, warm olive oil. Add onions and garlic, cumin seeds, turmeric, cinnamon, salt and pepper, stirring for a minute to bring out the flavors.
    Toss and stir in lamb chunks until they are browned slightly (no more than three minutes). Pour potatoes, tomatoes and lemon. Stir and place lid on pot and transfer to preheated oven to cook in 40 minutes.
    Remove from oven. Garnish with chopped parsley.

    Health Benefits of Lamb Meat & Potato
    Lamb is a good source of high quality protein and supplies the body with 60 percent of the daily requirement of protein.
    The meat is a good source of selenium, a mineral whose deficiency can lead to asthma attacks.
    Lamb is rich in iron that aids formation of red blood cells in the body. The iron present in lamb is easily absorbed by the body.
    The meat contains a high amount of zinc, which is good for healthy immune function, cell division and overall growth.
    It is a good source of vitamin B12, necessary to prevent a dangerous molecule called homo-cysteine from harming the body.
    It also promotes a healthy nervous system, supports the formation of red blood cells and prevents anemia.
    Niacin (vitamin B3), present in lamb, provides protection against Alzheimer’s disease and promotes healthy skin. It also helps against osteoporosis.
    Lamb is good for health-conscious people, as it is a source of ‘good fat’ in the body and has less saturated fat than other meat products.
    Potatoes are a particularly nutrient-dense food, which means you receive a large amount of nutrients compared to the amount of calories you must eat to get those nutrients.
    They are also a great source of soluble and insoluble fiber that can help keep you more regular and can even help lower your bad cholesterol levels. The fiber helps your body digest slowly, which can help you feel full for longer. The phytochemicals found in potatoes have also been identified to help lower your blood pressure.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Persian Mushroom Rice
    Mushrooms, 500 grams (sliced)
    Onion, 1 medium (small diced)
    Garlic, 4 cloves (minced)
    Persian spice, 1 tablespoon (mixture of turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom and cumin)
    Rice, 2 cups
    Salt and pepper to taste

    In a bowl, rinse the rice a few times and then add water and salt to the rice and allow it to sit for a few hours.
    In a large pot, bring water to a boil and prepare your rice. Once the rice comes to a boil, use a strainer and empty the contents.
    Saute onion and garlic in a bit of oil until translucent. Add Persian spice and give it a stir. Add sliced mushrooms and cook for about 5 minutes uncovered.
    Make sure that the mushrooms are not too juicy. Allow for the liquid to reduce until there is a thin layer of juice.
    Begin layering rice by adding a couple of tablespoons of canola oil to the bottom of a nonstick pot with a 1/4 cup of water.
    Shake well, then place one layer of white rice on top. Place a layer of mushrooms followed by another layer of rice. Finish off with a layer of white rice.
    Cover pot and cook on high for 10 minutes. Then place lid in a towel, cover rice, lower to low and cook for 1 hour.
    This rice can be served with braised chicken thighs with bay leaf. Alternatively, the chicken can be also layered within the rice.

    Health Benefits of Mushrooms
    All mushrooms share certain characteristics that help you burn fat and keep illness and disease at bay.
    White button mushrooms are probably the most widely available and they come in small and large sizes. Then there are Portobello mushrooms, which are large brown mushrooms. Baby bellas, sometimes called crimini mushrooms, are small brown mushrooms with a hearty flavor.
    Other mushrooms that may be slightly more difficult to find include shitake, porcini and oyster mushrooms.
    One of the best things about mushroom nutrition facts is that they are very low in calories. One cup of button mushrooms has just 15 calories, while 1 cup of Portobello mushrooms has 22 calories. Their low calorie count is just one reason mushrooms are important fat burning foods.
    Mushrooms are also a fat-free food, which is helpful when you need to lose weight. What’s more is that mushrooms have no cholesterol and less than 1 percent of your daily value of sodium. Although not a lot, mushroom nutrition facts also reveal small amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fiber that aid in fat loss.
    They may be small but nutritional facts prove that they have plenty of vitamins and minerals. One cup of mushrooms includes vitamins C, D, B6 and B12, plus large doses of riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid. These vitamins, along with minerals like calcium, iron, potassium and selenium, keep you fit and in good health.
    The most sought after health benefit of mushrooms is weight loss. When you consume foods low in fat and carbs, fat burning increases.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Mixed Pickles
    Water, 4 cups
    Cauliflower florets, 1 cup (chopped)
    Carrot, 1 cup (chunks or slices)
    Salt, 3 tablespoons
    Red bell pepper, 1/2 cup (chunks or slices)
    Garlic, 1 clove (smashed and peeled)
    Bay leaf, 1
    Coriander seeds, 1/2 teaspoon
    Black peppercorns, 1/4 teaspoon

    Combine salt and water in a measuring cup and stir until the salt is dissolved.
    (You can heat the water first to make the salt easier to dissolve, but it’s not necessary. Let it come to room temperature before making the pickles.)
    Place the remaining ingredients in a very clean, large jar (a half-gallon mason jar works well). Pour the saltwater over the vegetables, leaving at least 1 inch of headspace at the top of the jar.
    If necessary, add more water to cover the vegetables. (Optionally, place a small bowl or jar on top of the vegetables to hold them under the brine.)
    Cover the jar tightly and let it stand at room temperature. About once a day, open the jar to taste the pickles and release gases produced during fermentation. If any mold or scum has formed on the top, simply skim it off.
    When pickles taste to your liking, transfer the jar to the refrigerator. They will continue to ferment very slowly, but cold storage will largely halt fermentation. As a fermented food, these pickles will last for quite some time, at least a month or longer.

    Health Benefits of Carrot
    Many studies have shown that eating carrots may help lower the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.
    Recently, researchers have isolated a compound called falcarinol in carrots that may be largely responsible for anti-cancer benefits. Falcarinol is a natural pesticide found in carrots that protects roots from fungal diseases. In daily diet, carrots are almost the only source of these compounds.
    A study conducted on mice found that they were fed with either raw carrots or falcarinol have one-third lower risk of developing colon cancer than mice not fed by them.
    The retina of the eye needs vitamin A to function, hence lack of vitamin A causes night blindness.
    Carrots are rich in betacarotene, a substance which converts into vitamin A in the liver. In the retina, vitamin A is transformed into rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.
    In addition, betacarotene helps protect against macular degeneration and the development of senile cataracts.


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