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امتیاز واکنش
Shrimp & Saffron Rice
Serves 4
Saffron threads, 1/2 teaspoon
Long-grain rice, 1 cup
Olive oil, 2 tablespoons
Squash,3 medium, quartered lengthwise and cut into 0.5-cm-thick slices
Raw shrimp, 500 grams, (21-25), peeled and deveined
Fresh mint leaves, 1/3 cup, finely chopped
Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons
Water, 2.5 cups
Salt, 1 teaspoon
Ground pepper to taste

Bring water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and saffron to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add rice, return to a boil, cover and reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer.
Cook until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender, 40 to 45 minutes. Fluff with a fork.
About 10 minutes before the rice is done, heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add squash and cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender (do not brown), 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in shrimp and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Stir in mint and cook for 30 seconds. Stir in lemon juice; remove from heat.
Season with the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Serve over the rice.

Health Benefits of Saffron
The plant grows to about 15-20 cm in height and bears lavender-colored flowers during each season, which lasts from October until November.
Each flower features the perianth, which consists of stalk, known as style, connecting to the three stigmas or threads to the rest of the plant. These orange-yellow colored stigmas along with the style constitute ‘saffron’ which is used as spice.
Good saffron production demands cool dry climate with well-drained and rich fertile soil and irrigation facilities or sufficient amount of rainfall.
The flowers are generally harvested during the early morning hours and soon the stigma separated, allowed to dry and packed for marketing.
Saffron has a distinct flavor because of the chemical components in it, namely picrocrocin and safranal. It also contains a natural carotenoid chemical compound, crocin, which gives saffron its golden-yellow hue. These traits, along with its medicinal properties, make it a valuable ingredient in many foods worldwide.
Saffron contains many plant-derived chemical compounds that are known to have antioxidant, disease preventing and health promoting properties.
The flower stigma are composed of many essential volatile oils but the most important being safranal, which gives saffron its distinct hay-like flavor.
Research studies have shown that, safranal, a volatile oil found in the spice, has antioxidant, cytotoxicity toward cancer cells, anticonvulsant and antidepressant properties.
Other volatile oils in saffron are cineole, phenethenol, pinene, borneol, geraniol, limonene, p-cymene, linalool and terpinen-4-oil.

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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Qormeh Sabzi With Duck
    Serves 4
    Onion, 1 large, chopped
    Vegetable oil, 50 milliliters
    Whole duck, 1, chopped into pieces
    Turmeric powder, a pinch
    Fresh parsley, 100 grams, chopped
    Fresh garlic chives, 100 grams, chopped
    Fresh coriander leaves, 50 grams, chopped
    Dried fenugreek, 50 grams, chopped
    Water or chicken stock
    Dried limes, 6
    Red kidney beans, 200 grams, cooked
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Heat oil in a deep pot over medium heat. Add the onion and stir for a few minutes until softened.
    Place the pieces of duck in the pot with the onion, coat with the oil, add a pinch of turmeric powder and fry until skin becomes golden to seal the duck.
    Remove the duck pieces and in the same pot, fry the chopped herbs, add dried fenugreek and stir until the herb mix becomes darker in color.
    Return the duck to the pot, add water or chicken stock to cover the meat.
    Crack the dried limes and add with the kidney beans to the water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 90 minutes. Serve with boiled rice.

    Health Benefits of Kidney Beans

    Brain Function
    The vitamin K in kidney beans offers outstanding benefits for the brain and nervous system. The myelin sheath, or the outer wrapping around nerve, needs a fat called sphingolipids to form properly. Vitamin K is known to be essential for the synthesis of the sphingolipids, and therefore proper brain and nervous function.
    Kidney beans are also a good source of thiamin, which is critical for brain cell and cognitive function. This vitamin is needed for the creation of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter used for memory and the lack of which is a significant factor in senility and Alzheimer’s disease.

    Blood Sugar
    The soluble fiber in kidney beans decreases the metabolism rate of the bean’s carbohydrates, which prevents blood sugar levels from rapidly spiking after a meal. The kidney bean’s high protein content also contributes to this effect.

    Sulfite Detoxification
    Sulfites are a preservative typically added to prepared foods such as delicatessen salads and salad bars. Like other beans, kidney beans contain high levels of the trace mineral molybdenum, a key component of the enzyme sulfite oxidase, whose job is to detoxify sulfites. This is important for people with sulfite allergies who are experiencing symptoms such as headache or rapid heartbeat.

    Digestive Tract Health
    The insoluble fiber in kidney beans helps maintain bowel regularity by increasing stool bulk. The fermentation of dietary fiber in the large intestine also helps maintain good bacteria in the digestive tract. Regular bowel movements are associated with a lower risk of colon cancer.



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Baked Chicken
    With Onion, Leek
    Serves 6
    Bone-in chicken pieces, 1,200 grams, skin removed, trimmed
    Onions, 2 cups thinly sliced
    Leek, 1 cup thinly sliced (white and light green part only)
    Garlic, 4 cloves, thinly sliced
    Olive oil, 3 tablespoons
    Thyme leaves, 2 teaspoons
    Salt, 1/4 teaspoon
    Mustard, 1/4 cup
    Shallot, 2 teaspoons minced
    Rosemary, 1.5 teaspoons chopped
    Soy sauce, 1 teaspoon
    Ground pepper, 1 teaspoon

    Preheat oven to 400ºF. Toss onions, leek, garlic, 2 tablespoons oil, thyme and salt in a large bowl until the vegetables are well coated. Spread the mixture in a nonreactive 20-by-25-cm baking dish. Place the chicken pieces on the vegetables. Bake for 10 minutes.
    Whisk mustard, shallot, rosemary, soy sauce and pepper in a small bowl; gradually whisk in the remaining 1 tablespoon oil.
    After 10 minutes, brush the chicken with the mustard glaze. Continue baking until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of a leg or breast (without touching bone) registers 165°F, 30 to 45 minutes more. Serve the chicken with the vegetables.

    Health Benefits of Onions
    The onion has been used as an ingredient in various dishes for thousands of years by many cultures.
    World onion production is steadily increasing so that onion is now the second most important horticultural crop after tomatoes.
    Onions can be eaten raw, cooked, fried, dried or roasted. They are commonly used to flavor dips, salads, soups, spreads, stir-fry and other dishes.
    The World Health Organization (WHO) supports the use of onions for the treatment of poor appetite and to prevent atherosclerosis.
    In addition, onion extracts are recognized by WHO for providing relief in the treatment of coughs and colds, asthma and bronchitis. Onions are known to decrease bronchial spasms.
    An onion extract was found to decrease allergy-induced bronchial constriction in asthma patients.
    Onions are a very rich source of fructo-oligosaccharides. These oligomers stimulate the growth of healthy bifidobacteria and suppress the growth of potentially harmful bacteria in the colon. In addition, they can reduce the risk of tumors developing in the colon.

    Cardiovascular Help

    Onions contain a number of sulfides similar to those found in garlic that helps lower blood lipids and blood pressure.
    In India, communities that never consumed onions or garlic had blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels substantially higher and blood clotting times shorter than the communities that ate liberal amounts of garlic and onions.
    Onions are a rich source of flavonoids, substances known to provide protection against cardiovascular disease. Onions are also natural anticlotting agents since they possess substances with fibrinolytic activity and can suppress platelet-clumping. The anticlotting effect of onions closely correlates with their sulfur content.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Eggplant With Pomegranate
    Eggplants, 2 large
    Olive oil spray
    Pomegranate seeds, 1/2 cup
    Salt, a pinch

    For Pomegranate Dressing
    Olive oil, 1/3 cup
    Mint, 2 teaspoons (dried)
    Garlic, 1 clove
    Lemon juice, 2 teaspoons
    Pomegranate juice, 4 teaspoons
    Salt, a pinch
    Pepper, a pinch

    Cut eggplant into rounds. Remove bitterness from eggplant by adding generous amounts of salt on each side. Let it sit for about 20 minutes. Once ready, wipe away the salt with a paper towel.
    Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with olive oil. Place eggplants on top and evenly coat each slice with olive oil spray.
    Bake eggplants in a 400F oven for 30 minutes or until eggplant is cooked all the way through. Make sure to flip over once half way through the cooking. Alternatively, the eggplant slices can also be grilled.
    Now, make the dressing. Warm olive oil first, then remove from flame. Carefully add dried mint to the warm oil. Once you add the mint, you’ll see it sizzle.
    Next add minced garlic to the olive oil and mint. Set the oil, mint and garlic aside and allow for it to reach room temperature.
    At this point, the flavors willblend and, most importantly, the garlic and mint will infuse the olive oil.
    Mix together lemon juice and pomegranate juice in a bowl. Season it with salt and pepper. Slowly whisk in the olive oil mixture to the pomegranate and lemon juice. Mix well.
    Next arrange eggplant slices in a round serving platter in the shape of a flower. Mount 1/4 cup of pomegranate seeds in the middle of the platter.
    Next with a spoon add the dressing to the eggplant and pomegranate seeds. Make sure to add a generous amount of dressing on each eggplant slice. Most importantly, make sure that each slice also has some of the garlic and mint from the dressing.
    Finish off by adding the rest of the pomegranate seeds to the dish. Place leftover dressing in a small bowl and place it next to the dish for those who may want a little more dressing for their eggplant.

    Health Benefits of Eggplany
    Eggplants have many health benefits. Some of them are as follows:
    a Contains a potent antioxidant that protects cell membranes from damage. It protects the lipids or fats of our brain cell membranes

    a Contains tryptophan that may help you sleep better

    a Contains fiber, folate, vitamins B3 and B6, magnesium and potassium, which are all good for the heart

    a Phytochemicals in eggplant help reduce blood cholesterol and improve blood flow



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    ارسالی ها
    امتیاز واکنش
    Pomegranate Potage
    Rice, 200 grams
    Herbs (parsley, mint, coriander, spring-onion ends), 1 kg (chopped)
    Ground lamb or beef, 500 grams
    Split peas, 3 tablespoons
    Pomegranate paste, 1 glass
    Marjoram, 2 tablespoons (chopped)
    Mint, 1 tablespoon (chopped)
    Onions, 4 large
    Cooking oil
    Salt and pepper to taste

    Peel and slice two onions and fry in oil until slightly golden. Add 4-5 glasses of hot water, split peas, salt and pepper, and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.
    Wash rice and add to the potage. Cook for another 15-20 minutes. Peel and grate two onions.
    Add salt and pepper to meat and mix well. Shape into small balls and add to the potage.
    Wash herbs, chop finely, add to the to meat and cook for another 15-20 minutes. Add pomegranate paste and marjoram (if fresh marjoram is used, it should be finely chopped). Mix well and cook for a few more minutes.
    Fry mint in oil for a few minutes (if fresh mint is used, it should be finely chopped before frying). Add mint on top of the potage and serve.

    Health Benefits of Pomegranate
    A definite plus point to pomegranate’s many health benefits is the fact that it is available as juice, paste and fruit bar all year round.
    However, many underestimate it, making the humble pomegranate an underdog in the healthy fruits department.
    Today, we pay tribute to this wonder fruit by presenting a health benefit of pomegranates below:

    Free Radicals
    We may not be aware but pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants. Therefore, it helps protect your body’s cells from free radicals, which cause premature aging. Free radicals are formed due to exposure to the sun and harmful toxins from the environment.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Stuffed Quince
    Quinces, 6
    Ground lean meat, 250 grams
    Scallion, 3 stems
    Parsley, 3 sprigs (chopped)
    Mint, 3 sprigs (or substitute 1 teaspoon dried mint)
    Tarragon, 3 sprigs (or substitute 1 teaspoon dried tarragon)
    Onions, 2 small (finely chopped)
    Turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon
    Cinnamon, 1 teaspoon
    Sugar, 2 tablespoons
    Lemon juice, 1/3 cup (or white vinegar)
    Tomato paste, 1 tablespoon
    Salt & pepper to taste

    Scrub the fuzz off and wash quinces very well to clean. Cut the top off each quince, about 1/2 inch down and set aside to use as a lid.
    Using a melon baller, hollow and scoop out the core and the seeds. Scoop out the flesh, leaving a 1/2 inch thick pulp on all sides. You’ll use 1/3 of the pulp for the stuffing and the remainder for the sauce.
    Quince flesh browns rapidly once exposed to air. To prevent this, have a bowl with the juice of one lemon at hand.
    After de-pulping each quince, dip a pastry/basting brush in the lemon juice and lightly coat inside of each scooped out quince. You can also dab the quince lids with lemon.

    Prepare the Stuffing
    Wash, dry and finely chop the scallion, parsley, mint and tarragon. Set aside for now. In a bowl, season ground meat with 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and turmeric. Gently knead to evenly mix.
    Saute onions with 1-2 tablespoons of oil until golden and translucent, then add the ground meat mixture to the onions and saute for an additional 5 minutes or until the ground meat is lightly browned.
    Add chopped herbs, cinnamon, 1/3 of the scooped-out quince pulps, 1/2 tablespoon of tomato paste and 1 cup of tepid water.
    Stir very gently to mix and bring mixture to a gentle boil. Once gently boiling, cover lid and simmer for 20 minutes or until almost all the liquid is absorbed but be careful not to dry out the meat mixture.
    For making sauce, combine water, juice of one lemon, sugar, a pinch of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of tomato paste. Bring to a boil. Divide mixture, reserving half.
    Add the other to the ground beef and stir to mix. You’re now done with the stuffing. Fill each quince with stuffing and top with its lid. Line a big pot with a cup of water and 1 tablespoon of oil. Layer the bottom of the pot with the remaining scooped-out quince pulps.
    Arrange quinces in the pot. Bring pot to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium and pour the remaining lemon juice and sugar sauce over the quinces. Cover and cook for approximately 45 minutes.
    Serve hot with pickles and yogurt.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Potato and Peanut Soup
    Potatoes, 400 grams (peeled and cut into 1 to 2-inch chunks)
    Canola oil, 1 tablespoon
    Onions, 3 medium (diced, about 3 cups)
    Garlic, 4 cloves (minced)
    Celery, 3 stalks (diced)
    Vegetable broth, 6 cups
    Salt, 1 teaspoon
    Coconut milk, 1/2 liter
    Peanuts, 3/4 cup (unsalted and roasted)
    Lime juice, 3 tablespoons
    Cilantro, 2 tablespoon (chopped)

    Heat oil in a large heavy-bottomed soup pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion and garlic, and cook, stirring often until the onion is starting to soften and brown, 5 to 6 minutes.
    Add celery, broth, potato and salt, increase heat to high, cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to maintain a simmer and cook, removing lid to stir occasionally, until the potatoes are very soft and fall apart when tested with a fork or tongs, about 15 minutes.
    Puree about half of the soup in a blender in two batches and add back to the pot. Puree the coconut milk and peanuts in a blender until smooth, about 1 minute.
    Stir the coconut mixture and the lime juice into the soup. Gently stir over low heat to warm through. Do not boil. Serve garnished with cilantro and chopped peanuts to taste.

    Health Benefits of Potato
    Potato is one of the widely used vegetables worldwide. This shapeless tuber has cast a spell on most cuisines.
    Patrons will be delighted to know that potatoes have more in store for them than just carbohydrates and calories. Let us uncover them.

    Weight Gain: Potatoes are mounds of carbohydrates and contain little proteins. This makes it an ideal food for those lean and skinny who desperately want to put on weight. Vitamins like C and B-complex also help in the proper absorption of this carbohydrate. That’s why they make an inevitable part of the diet of wrestlers.

    Digestion: Since potatoes predominantly contain carbohydrates, they are easy to digest and facilitate digestion. This makes them an ideal food for patients, babies and those who cannot digest hard food but need energy.
    However, you must remember that eating too much potatoes regularly may cause acidity in the long run. Potatoes also contain a considerable amount of fiber or roughage, more in raw potatoes and cold ones than boiled or hot ones.

    Skin Care: Vitamins C and B-complex and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are good for the skin. Apart from that, pulp obtained from crushed raw potatoes, mixed with honey, can serve as excellent skin and face packs. This helps cure pimples and spots on the skin.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Meat Souffle
    Ground meat, 500 grams
    Onion, 1 medium (grated)
    Parsley, 1 tablespoon (chopped)
    Bread crumbs, 1 cup
    Egg, 1
    Tomato paste, 2 tablespoons (dissolved in 1/2 cup of water)
    Garlic, 1 clove (minced)
    Ginger, 1 teaspoon (grated)
    Turmeric, 1 tablespoon
    Cumin and coriander powder, a pinch (optional)
    Salt & pepper to taste
    Olive oil

    For the Sauce
    Mushrooms, 200 grams (as preferred)
    Tomato paste, 1 tablespoon (dissolved in 1/2 cup of water)
    Lemon, 1 (juiced)
    Carrot, 1 large (sliced)
    Celery, 1 stalk (sliced)

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line an oven tray with parchment paper or aluminum foil, drizzle and spread some olive oil on the parchment. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of tomato paste in 1/2 cup of warm-to-hot water. Mix this well with the breadcrumbs to moisten it.
    In a bowl, add the moistened breadcrumbs, ground meat, grated onion, minced ginger, parsley, garlic, turmeric, cumin and coriander powder. Crack an egg into mixture.
    Season with salt and pepper. Knead all together and making sure to combine well and uniformly.
    Scoop a lemon-sized portion of mixture and flatten between palms to make a souffle. Place souffle on parchment-lined oven tray and dent a hole in its center with your index finger.
    Repeat step with the remaining meat mixture.
    (Alternatively, you can scoop a walnut-sized portion and make a meatball. Or make a combo of souffle and meatball.)
    Place in the preheated oven and cook for 15-20 minutes.

    For the Sauce
    Wash and drain mushrooms, cut into quarters. Heat a tablespoon of oil and some butter in a pan. When sizzling hot, add mushrooms, season with salt and saute for 5 minutes. Set aside for now.
    Heat one tablespoon of oil in a large skillet, add sliced carrots and celery, saute for 5 minutes. Add the dissolved tomato paste and also the lemon juice. Bring to a boil. Once boiling, cover with lid ajar and cook over low flame for 5 more minutes.
    Remove souffle from oven and add it to the sauce in the skillet, then gently boil for another 10 minutes till the souffle absorb most of the liquid.
    In the last 5 minutes, add the mushrooms.Serve in platter along with the sauce. Garnish with anything from sliced radishes, fresh parsley or mint.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Peach Cake
    For the Starter Dough
    Dry yeast, 10 grams (roughly 1 tablespoon)
    Sugar, 1 tablespoon
    All-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon
    Milk, 1/4 cup

    For the Batter
    Butter, 1/4 cup
    All-purpose flour, 2 cups (sifted)
    Starter dough (see above)
    Yolk, 1 egg
    Sugar, 1/2 cup
    Milk, 1/4 cup
    Salt, a pinch
    Vanilla powder, 1 teaspoon

    For the Topping and Crumble
    Ripe peaches or nectarines, 2-3
    Butter, 1/3 cup
    Sugar, 1/3 cup
    All purpose flour, 2/3 cup
    Ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon

    To prepare the starter dough, slowly heat milk until lukewarm. Add sugar, flour and yeast, mix well and let rest in a warm place for about 10-15 minutes.
    To prepare the batter, melt butter in a small saucepan and set aside to cool until lukewarm.
    In a large bowl, mix flour with starter dough. Add egg yolk, sugar, milk, salt and vanilla and mix until well combined (this may take 5 minutes or longer).
    Slowly add the melted butter without stopping the mixer. Once the butter has fully incorporated, cover the bowl with a clean cloth towel and place in a warm place for about an hour.
    Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease a spring form and evenly spread batter into it. Slice peaches and put on top.
    Place all ingredients for the crumbles into a medium-sized bowl. Mix with your hands and form crumbles. Place on top of the peaches.
    Bake for about 30 minutes.

    Health Benefits of Peaches
    Peach is a perfect summertime snack. Low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, the health benefits of peaches can bring nutritional heft to a light lunch or low-cal dessert after dinner.
    The main punch a peach packs is vitamins. Specifically, a peach boasts of 10 different kinds: A, C, E, K and six of the B complex vitamins.
    Another important benefit associated with peaches is dietary fiber that prevents constipation and bloating while contributing to colon health.
    Fiber may also play a role in regulating cholesterol levels and so helps reduce the risk of heart disease.



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    امتیاز واکنش
    Persian Curry
    Chicken drumsticks, 10
    Onion, 1 medium
    Curry powder, 6 tablespoons
    Cashew nuts, 1 1/2 cups
    Ground saffron, 1/4 teaspoon
    Lemon juice, 3-4 tablespoons
    Olive oil
    Salt & pepper to taste

    Dice onion and saute in olive oil until just golden. Add curry powder and stir with onion. Allow the curry powder to heat through until its fragrance rises.
    Remove skin from chicken drumsticks then season with salt and pepper. Add to the pot and move around so that the curry powder and onions coat the chicken pieces.
    Cook chicken for a few minutes until the flesh turns white. In the meantime, place cashewnuts in a food processor and grind thoroughly.
    Add ground cashewnuts to chicken. Add 2 cups of water and mix well, making sure to scrape the bottom of the pot.
    Cover and bring to a simmer. Cook on low for one hour. Make sure to stir the stew several times during the cooking time as the ground cashews easily stick to the bottom of the pot.
    In a small glass jar, add ground saffron and 1/4 cup of hot water. Close lid and shake well.
    Place the glass jar with saffron on top of the pot where the curry is cooking. This step will help with the brewing of the saffron and intensify its flavor.
    Once the stew has thickened and the chicken is cooked, taste and adjust seasoning as needed. Add brewed saffron.
    Then squeeze fresh lemon juice. Mix well and continue cooking for 10 minutes longer. Please note that for this recipe, you can use either mild or hot curry based on your preference.

    Health Benefits of Curry
    Curry, a blend of spices used in Indian cuisine, varies widely in composition, depending on its region of origin and personal preferences.
    Some of the most common ingredients in curry include turmeric, fenugreek, coriander, cinnamon and ginger.
    Mustard seed, cayenne pepper and cardamom are also often included in curry spice mixtures. Many of these ingredients provide considerable potential health benefits.

    May Reduce Risk of Cancer
    Turmeric has been found to reduce the risk of developing prostate, breast, skin and colorectal cancer, possibly because of its antioxidant properties. It may also at least reduce the speed at which these cancers progress. However, ingesting curry alone will not erase your risk for cancer.


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